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Question Coordinates Label ID Final Answer Final Prediction Confidence Notes Flags Edit
1.1A a planning permission null 0 d6b8604c-5c8a-4365-93ec-6f8cc9654954 None No 0%
1.1B a listed building consent null 0 026df730-5208-4b42-8302-ab4154748955 None No 0%
1.1C a conservation area consent null 0 b53d3f64-4717-4aaa-b473-131de749cb1b None No 0%
1.1D a certificate of lawfulness of existing use or development null 0 12a46aeb-298d-4bd5-af0c-8f42918d2e97 None No 0%
1.1E a certificate of lawfulness of proposed use or development null 0 2c551cc6-2d2c-48d8-9567-85bdb7bc316f None No 0%
1.1F a certificate of lawfulness of proposed works for listed buildings null 0 0e279f28-ef60-429e-8a24-c18166063b95 None No 0%
1.1G a heritage partnership agreement null 0 081d03f3-f721-4fce-849c-e1231e36389d None No 0%
1.1H a listed building consent order null 0 e6653405-66f6-41c7-ab25-86344784227e None No 0%
1.1I a local listed building consent order null 0 f89dc01a-ae3c-4b75-af63-fafbacb8b85f None No 0%
1.1J building regulations approval null 0 5598593c-f72d-469c-899e-2010aab21c60 None No 0%
1.1K building regulation completion certificate and null 0 9a5b6587-7d63-4932-aaf4-ab54a56d6e59 None No 0%
1.1L any building regulations certificate or notice issued in respect of work carried out under a competent person self-certification scheme? null 0 0fc0902e-3e40-46a1-8968-acc9dfa83fc4 None No 0%
1.2 What designations of land use for the property or the area, and what specific proposals for the property, are contained in any existing or proposed development plan? null 0 d1c053aa-5b1b-4ba7-98d9-7fd3f2403176 DM25 - Aerodrome Safeguarding Designations of land use within the current Local Plan for Newcastle upon Tyne are set out in adopted policies in the following documents: • Part 1 – Core Strategy and Urban Core Plan for Gateshead and Newcastle upon Tyne- adopted March 2015 (CSUCP) • Part 2 – Newcastle upon Tyne Development and Allocations Plan –adopted June 2020 (DAP) • Review of CSUCP dated 16 March 2020 • Various Supplementary Planning Documents and other approved Planning Guidance at You are advised to check the website for details of an emerging local plan for the area. Yes 0%
2.1A highways maintainable at public expense null 0 a11fde0f-9909-4d66-8dac-34843976d108 Bk Chapman Street Only is an adopted highway maintainable at public expense. Yes 0%
2.1B subject to adoption and, supported by a bond or bond waiver null 0 c69d5bd8-bb04-45b9-a740-9c09368029ff None No 0%
2.1C to be made up by a local authority who will reclaim the cost from the frontagers null 0 0e792873-f5d0-4534-a211-28ceda48da5b None No 0%
2.1D to be adopted by a local authority without reclaiming the cost from the frontagers null 0 c64dbf34-9e12-44ab-ac4d-e34562e02c81 None No 0%
2.2 Is any public right of way which abuts on, or crosses the property, shown on a definitive map or revised definitive map? null 0 3eec20e4-2243-4213-b12f-979c0169445a None No 0%
2.3 Are there any pending applications to record a public right of way that abuts, or crosses the property on a definitive map or revised definitive map? null 0 0ee48872-9bc5-4e83-836a-59d23081cf4e No No 0%
2.4 Are there any legal orders to stop up, divert, alter or create a public right which abuts or crosses the property not yet implemented or shown on a definitive map? null 0 76ba7ca4-8992-4ed9-b0dd-a52bb7ed048f No No 0%
2.5 If so, please attach a plan showing the approximate route. null 0 23d091f7-3dce-4c05-aa70-ac252f806f42 Not Applicable Not Applicable 0%
3.1 Is the property included in land required for public purposes? null 0 722ef7da-c3ef-47d4-99e8-f8f4cc25d5ab No No 0%
3.2 Is the property included in land to be acquired for road works? null 0 f0b15ad1-3703-42ea-b4d3-d56bb00796c1 No No 0%
3.3A Is the property served by a sustainable urban drainage system (SuDS)? null 0 c295898b-089d-447a-9329-1f55c4385c2d As schedule 3 of the Flood and Water Management Act has not commenced, there is no legal duty or responsibilities on Councils who are also Lead Local Flood Authorities, to keep records of any new or existing Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS) and therefore our records do not allow for the provision of comprehensive answers in relation to this question. We do not have a role in checking final as built drawings and in some cases, SuDS can be implemented without the need to obtain planning permission. Even if planning permission is granted, we have no assurance that the scheme will have been implemented. Furthermore, the Council does not normally adopt SuDS which are on private property unless they are serving public highway. It is strongly advised that the purchaser undertakes their own checks of planning approvals through the council online Planning records at, S.106 Agreements, detailed site surveys and inspections and with the vendor to establish whether any Sustainable Drainage Systems are in place at the property and who is responsible for any associated charges and maintenance. Attn Req 0%
3.3B Are there SuDS features within the boundary of the property? If yes, is the owner responsible for null 0 ef1decf9-6df7-42b5-b9ae-979a21f5f385 See response to 3.3a Attn Req 0%
3.3C If the property benefits from a SuDS for which there is a charge, who bills the property for the null 0 bcce6bfd-a214-4bca-955e-645fda48e91a See response to 3.3a Attn Req 0%
3.4A the centre line of a new trunk road or special road specified in any order, draft order or scheme null 0 6b060ae0-aefa-4445-8eff-2a978e6b9b3d No No 0%
3.4B the centre line of a proposed alteration or improvement to an existing road involving construction null 0 40407463-4601-4dd2-a8d8-271f9f09681a No No 0%
3.4CI (i) construction of a roundabout (other than a mini roundabout) null 0 a5f7edbd-71bf-4bfb-a2b4-631be3b84d81 No No 0%
3.4CII (ii) widening by construction of one or more additional traffic lanes null 0 9f1812de-a219-4140-82c7-2bdcb051394a No No 0%
3.4DI (i) construction of a new road to be built by a local authority; null 0 63704559-5663-48bb-8976-0471b6b201e4 No No 0%
3.4DII (ii) an approved alteration or improvement to an existing road involving construction of a subway underpass null 0 e84413a4-4e92-4569-9851-a80bc198a020 No No 0%
3.4DIII (iii) construction of a roundabout (other than a mini roundabout) or widening by construction of one or more additional traffic lanes null 0 3039f5f4-75ec-4e21-93a3-0bc6054eb94b No No 0%
3.4E the centre line of the proposed route of a new road under proposals published for public null 0 059fa403-d353-450d-a5a5-56bfa16a91ee No No 0%
3.4FI (i) construction of a proposed alteration or improvement to an existing road involving construction of a subway underpass flyover footbridge elevated road or dual carriageway; null 0 09aa53b1-3fc4-4ace-a048-2446fcd9f091 No No 0%
3.4FII (ii) construction of a roundabout (other than a mini roundabout) null 0 b1d86e0f-b04a-4fc7-bb1a-c89ed1dd843e No No 0%
3.4FIII (iii) widening by construction of one or more additional traffic lanes, under proposals published for public consultation null 0 bd839e32-3254-4701-b85d-7df55b229e60 No No 0%
3.5A Is the property (or will it be) within 200 metres of the centre line of a proposed railway, tramway, null 0 949f0cb0-e90c-43ff-8c77-a14c564c5f58 No No 0%
3.5B Are there are any proposals for a railway, tramway, light railway or monorail within the Local null 0 256542ba-80bb-4ec7-98c1-880b9a8bcd88 No No 0%
3.6A permanent stopping up or diversion null 0 21aa2ef4-7488-4d65-9bd3-9889403f3684 No No 0%
3.6B waiting or loading restrictions null 0 42e8bcb8-6099-4938-bf52-542b05176783 No No 0%
3.6C one way driving null 0 681693a6-00b9-4096-a82b-d1f6031c100f No No 0%
3.6D prohibition of driving null 0 28b40c56-2371-4f78-a332-ee9204ad9f2a No No 0%
3.6E pedestrianisation null 0 58898168-7007-42fe-9783-e5c87d2b3213 No No 0%
3.6F vehicle width or weight restriction null 0 6790f5a7-5d9a-407d-bbcd-217600eb2ccc No No 0%
3.6G traffic calming works including road humps null 0 e4e5e635-8a8b-4b6b-8ca1-d0c5164b25b6 No No 0%
3.6H residents parking controls null 0 b017f428-057b-44f7-88d6-542349a4f623 No No 0%
3.6I minor road widening or improvement null 0 bcb0d1b1-69ac-44f3-9705-0be8405dfc57 No No 0%
3.6J pedestrian crossings null 0 7ce0e725-3247-42fc-8678-58dd827dee11 No No 0%
3.6K cycle tracks null 0 44f370fb-38d4-40c5-98ff-ff3f9e5ecc80 No No 0%
3.6L bridge building null 0 aef6f019-2999-40a5-96c3-56505ab44db1 No No 0%
3.7A building works null 0 64223274-633d-4f0d-ab90-83439c641947 No No 0%
3.7B environment null 0 e4c79442-d496-461c-ae29-3f9cd2740a28 No No 0%
3.7C health and safety null 0 02c87bc1-33dc-40a9-a8c9-99b430804142 No No 0%
3.7D housing null 0 51e7dd24-4d96-4e2b-8c4b-8cabf10bfea7 No No 0%
3.7E highways null 0 458f36e0-21e2-4daa-ba8a-7b64c04993b3 No No 0%
3.7F public health null 0 2f564eff-5a5b-4a19-9aee-dc8c931ff4a0 No No 0%
3.7G flood and coastal erosion risk management null 0 39bdfaba-a70a-41e5-98a0-6220cf7fec5d No No 0%
3.8 Has a local authority authorised in relation to the property any proceedings for the contravention of any provision contained in building regulations? null 0 aee8040a-6a4d-4c00-9598-69dc212ee650 No No 0%
3.9A an enforcement notice null 0 e270a6a6-a7b4-477b-a5b0-37cb80f769e5 No No 0%
3.9B a stop notice null 0 30caf21c-c551-4181-bfe5-6e4d4138a081 No No 0%
3.9C a listed building enforcement notice null 0 8b29cccb-922e-4a9f-a675-a779569524e0 No No 0%
3.9D a breach of condition notice null 0 e9ebf380-a2ae-498a-888e-1213011e2944 No No 0%
3.9E a planning contravention notice null 0 08c1051d-d041-4cfb-b77b-172fcae7805f No No 0%
3.9F another notice relating to breach of planning control null 0 f7b8aecb-c83a-4381-8eb6-50398af2744a No No 0%
3.9G a listed building repairs notice null 0 667e96fd-353d-40e3-b611-ca196c3ad639 No No 0%
3.9H in the case of a listed building deliberately allowed to fall into disrepair, a compulsory purchase null 0 078f5252-7ef9-47da-bc52-a446af7da495 No No 0%
3.9I a building preservation notice null 0 70818cd3-fe5b-4553-b078-73488106191c No No 0%
3.9J a direction restricting permitted development null 0 89c9b9c0-4531-445c-b0e5-2d03a1139b80 No No 0%
3.9K an order revoking or modifying planning permission null 0 be52c7f1-74c3-4de7-a02e-067c47141420 No No 0%
3.9L an order requiring discontinuance of use or alteration or removal of building or works null 0 0f56578a-5fdd-4c54-87e5-5dd1a41a387f No No 0%
3.9M a tree preservation order null 0 6586fb59-c04d-4d21-9af6-719dd8fcf24c No No 0%
3.9N proceedings to enforce a planning agreement or planning contribution null 0 d9fa0ffc-8db4-4b87-9183-29b569a96dd2 No No 0%
3.10A Is there a CIL charging schedule null 0 225d8d5a-8ec8-4221-9b31-380beba4aa1d Yes Yes 0%
3.10BI (i) a liability notice? null 0 37e67d57-fd15-4e0c-b569-4a7fd5dff8b8 No No 0%
3.10BII (ii) a notice of chargeable development? null 0 f143c6e9-f510-4bb7-b3b9-5ef741454646 No No 0%
3.10BIII (iii) a demand notice? null 0 42f36944-b932-42c4-a1c7-3e24c2231627 No No 0%
3.10BIV (iv) a default liability notice? null 0 d08b6c99-9481-4486-8ef9-c8d03e8127d5 No No 0%
3.10BV (v) an assumption of liability notice? null 0 e6f4534a-d632-4fc8-be79-ffb3f089d350 No No 0%
3.10BVI (vi) a commencement notice? null 0 5addf7c8-d763-4ba2-a9cf-857e5a8e2c6f No No 0%
3.10C Has any demand notice been suspended? null 0 3078b7a9-edd0-4b64-946d-e25c08f5822e No No 0%
3.10D Has the Local Authority received full or part payment of any CIL liability? null 0 1438f2cf-d535-47fc-bad5-b7739f6fb7fa No No 0%
3.10E Has the Local Authority received any appeal against any of the above? null 0 e6479aa1-58df-4f44-8155-330c62f2d67b No No 0%
3.10F Has a decision been taken to apply for a liability order? null 0 58992b06-7d4b-4f77-b348-c17311f0a517 No No 0%
3.10G Has a liability order been granted? null 0 b045cec9-0f0c-4d6b-82ff-412fc10f3925 No No 0%
3.10H Have any other enforcement measures been taken? null 0 fd21458e-a2aa-4c1f-82e3-0e8f0944b62e No No 0%
3.11A the making of the area a conservation area before 31 August 1974 null 0 b8b8b546-b468-4dda-a535-89c6d87fd673 No No 0%
3.11B an unimplemented resolution to designate the area a Conservation Area null 0 e233d41c-1903-4323-925a-3b6f218c7f3b No No 0%
3.12 Has any enforceable order or decision been made to compulsorily purchase or acquire the null 0 76a2f1ac-82df-4772-910e-d9acf9833100 No No 0%
3.13A a contaminated land notice null 0 72aa6fef-2b50-4958-bb59-c04a776f3aaa No No 0%
3.13BI (i) a decision to make an entry null 0 208dc3d0-a18d-436d-8fa5-826d04140b67 No No 0%
3.13BII (ii) an entry null 0 a3c060dc-ef54-4d04-bdb1-23265ef9dc94 No No 0%
3.13C consultation with the owner or occupier of the property conducted under section 78G(3) of the null 0 2785bd41-4add-4f7f-9a16-03fa84381eca No No 0%
3.14 Do records indicate that the property is in a "Radon Affected Area" as identified by Public null 0 8c11cb8f-3175-4cec-a648-8aa2a30a746a No No 0%
3.15AI (i) Is it listed as an asset of community value? null 0 4da9f58e-eba2-4c1f-8bb4-d92189491f02 No No 0%
3.15AII (ii) Was it excluded and placed on the “nominated but not listed” list? null 0 bef9f17a-510b-4758-9dd9-a7481948f23a No No 0%
3.15AIII (iii) Has the listing expired? null 0 069f3ece-87f5-449c-b637-222bd38a0f77 No No 0%
3.15AIV (iv) Is the local authority reviewing or proposing to review the listing? null 0 bf904401-6906-4c13-b2a9-cc1b72448bd7 No No 0%
3.15AV (v) Are there any subsisting appeals against the listing? null 0 39e4438a-6e62-4644-9529-14e76c9a22b4 No No 0%
3.15BI (i) Has the local authority decided to apply to the Land Registry for an entry or cancellation of a restriction in respect of listed land affecting the property? null 0 3e62fd38-936a-476b-894a-4b21731f42f3 Not applicable Not Applicable 0%
3.15BII (ii) Has the local authority received a notice of disposal? null 0 b3644a00-81e2-42d4-a3b6-00ec1cef42aa Not applicable Not Applicable 0%
3.15BIII (iii) Has any community interest group requested to be treated as a bidder? null 0 6b72bd2c-7233-4d26-b9ea-c29df59d02aa Not applicable Not Applicable 0%
4.0A (a) the construction of a new road, or null 0 f08d4b1f-9669-4867-9b98-eab30ac255c3 No No 0%
4.0B (b) the alteration or improvement of an existing road, involving the construction, whether or not within existing highway limits, of a subway, underpass, flyover, footbridge, elevated road, dual null 0 583d4398-e547-4332-b140-4189115781af No No 0%
5.1 Please list any entries in the register of applications, directions and decisions relating to consent for the display of advertisements null 0 6f368b7b-99ed-4eaf-8365-699296e88f52 0%
5.2 If there are any entries, where can that register be inspected? null 0 50eff2a7-dd38-43ee-ab6c-8515954ddd1f 0%
5.3A Has any notice been given by the Secretary of State or served in respect of a direction or proposed direction restricting deemed consent for any class of advertisement? null 0 bcfb4359-5b00-4c30-afc3-682275a6bdc4 0%
5.3B Has the local authority resolved to serve a notice requiring the display of any advertisement to be discontinued? null 0 5656966e-4b65-4953-9caf-bea28712356f 0%
5.3C If a discontinuance notice has been served, has it been complied with to the satisfaction of the local authority? null 0 c41324e3-8f24-4658-a971-69ca154fb698 0%
5.3D Has the local authority resolved to serve any other notice or proceedings relating to a contravention of the control of advertisements? null 0 d158e723-3ce1-4e04-bcef-9ebcc91ae5ed 0%
5.3E Has the local authority resolved to make an order for the special control of advertisements for the area? null 0 06c29448-77a1-43b0-b57e-00efd12fbaa6 0%
6.0 Which of the planning permissions in force has the local authority resolved to terminate by means of a completion notice under s.94 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990? null 0 ce558262-b10f-42bd-b9c0-6fbfdc85d5d4 0%
7.1 Has any order under s.82 of the Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000 been made? null 0 2e26ac34-b11a-4692-b479-4900e1c97266 0%
7.2 Is the property within a National Park designated under s.7 of the National Parks and Access to the Countryside Act 1949? null 0 b392e49e-b06b-417d-a470-973ea42b859b 0%
8.0 Has a map been deposited under s.35 of the Pipelines Act 1962, or Schedule 7 of the Gas Act 1986, showing a pipeline laid through, or within 100 feet (30.48 metres) of the property? null 0 4bff48ed-c395-4ce9-b398-4a03d4c7453a No No 0%
9.0 Is the property a house in multiple occupation, or is it designated or proposed to be designated for selective licensing of residential accommodation in accordance with the Housing Act 2004? null 0 3d32ca03-84fc-4a0c-9184-9cde592ea162 0%
10.1 Has the local authority made, or resolved to make, any noise abatement zone order under s.63 of the Control of Pollution Act 1974 for the area? null 0 74dc7d4d-7b1e-4e84-afd8-67262dd08b29 No No 0%
10.2 Has any entry been recorded in the Noise Level Register kept pursuant to s.64 of the Control of Pollution Act 1974? null 0 54f49b4b-a541-4b6a-b104-1d05a0ec18b7 No No 0%
10.3 If there is any entry, how can copies be obtained and where can that Register be inspected? null 0 298b02ea-a682-4cba-bf1a-35fb5e3eda13 Not applicable Not Applicable 0%
11.1 Is the area an urban development area designated under Part XVI of the Local Government, Planning and Land Act 1980? null 0 86d46dfd-d71c-4bfd-a0e4-429ca360ba15 No No 0%
11.2 If so, please state the name of the urban development corporation and the address of its principal office. null 0 18fc4f22-d832-4de8-ace4-0dab9e63eeda 0%
12.1 Is the area designated as an enterprise zone? null 0 9c06f4d4-ac45-4bbf-a98e-594f48073088 No No 0%
12.2 Is the area subject to a local development order? null 0 774c37f2-2f48-4b79-98ed-58dcd647f215 No No 0%
12.3 Is the area a business improvement district (BID)? null 0 2f233483-3cf9-4387-90e2-90f5878dc577 No No 0%
13.0 Has the local authority resolved to define the area as an improvement area under s.4 of the Inner Urban Areas Act 1978? null 0 2b90683c-a559-494a-aeab-5c48ad0e8790 No No 0%
14.1 Is the area a simplified planning zone adopted or approved pursuant to s.83 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990? null 0 161bdcb4-f641-415c-997a-5781edf244ee No No 0%
14.2 Has the local authority approved any proposal for designating the area as a simplified planning zone? null 0 af427c07-fee2-4f1d-be51-680c04b613e3 No No 0%
15.0 Has the local authority authorised the service of a maintenance notice under s.215 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990? null 0 07145970-f6c9-4ac0-b4e0-0c85facd8ede No No 0%
16.0 Is the area a mineral consultation area or mineral safeguarding area notified by the county planning authority under Schedule 1 para 7 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990? null 0 d5a03247-e320-403a-978d-c6b240f238f9 No No 0%
17.1 Please list any entries in the Register kept pursuant to s.28 of the Planning (Hazardous Substances) Act 1990. null 0 fe744d51-3b6b-4ee8-b110-f161ea50b4eb 0%
17.2A If there are any entries how can copies of the entries be obtained null 0 e21974dc-8d75-4b38-8619-bf3f95ae2d93 0%
17.2B Where can the Register be inspected? null 0 dc8f213e-c0fb-49e1-b6ee-5e76196b835d 0%
18.0 What outstanding statutory or informal notices have been issued by the local authority under the Environmental Protection Act 1990 or the Control of Pollution Act 1974? (This enquiry does not cover null 0 39cd3962-6c5e-4975-8948-1c5ae1b5d023 None No 0%
19.0 What outstanding statutory notices or informal notices have been issued by the local authority under the Food Safety Act 1990 or the Food Safety and Hygiene (England) Regulations 2013? null 0 6cd1683e-c747-454b-9fef-9ba015766fbd 0%
20.1 Please list any entries in the record maintained under regulation 10 of the Hedgerows Regulations 1997. null 0 99c713fc-818a-481f-8452-77696cef0950 0%
20.2A How can copies of the matters entered be obtained? null 0 b9f77d01-bdfb-4722-8413-358efec8b59f 0%
20.2B Where can the record be inspected? null 0 b4b959c0-74a3-4b87-a131-cb7b508c3059 0%
21.0 Has any flood defence or land drainage consent relating to the property been given or refused, or (if applicable) is the subject of a pending application? null 0 6604a520-e2b3-4897-b3f3-df58b4f5b5c4 No No 0%
22.1 Is the property, or any land which abuts the property, registered common land or town or village green under the Commons Registration Act 1965 or the Commons Act 2006? null 0 f1fc5e21-87a9-4575-9660-d13a6664105e No No 0%
22.2 Is there any prescribed information about maps and statements, deposited under s.15A of the Commons Act 2006, in the register maintained under s.15B(1) of the Commons Act 2006 or under s.31A of the null 0 3afd7b99-e27e-4842-8ad1-b459233ac9e3 No No 0%
22.3 If there are any entries, how can copies of the matters registered be obtained and where can the register be inspected? null 0 7a908ac7-fd5c-4e2e-9d8c-d0e848aec0d4 Not applicable Not Applicable 0%
Part 4: Miscellaneous Charges null 0 d69925f2-baf0-43dd-9c5f-e24cb106bf9b Description of charge (including reference to appropriate statutory provision): The City of Newcastle upon Tyne Clean Air Act 1993 - Section 18 Smoke Control Order No. : S001/001 issued on 1/28/1998 Ref:1 TLC Ref: SC19800 Originating Authority: Newcastle City Council Place where relevant documents may be inspected: Public Health Environmental Protection Services, Public Health Housing Section, Civic Centre, Newcastle upon Tyne Date of Registration: 17/02/2003 Yes 100%
Terms & Conditions