
Text Label Final Prompts Section Prompts Label Annotations Meta data Edit
(ii) an approved alteration or improvement to an existing road involving construction of a subway underpass 3.4DII_QUESTION 0 0 5 Edit
(iii) construction of a roundabout (other than a mini roundabout) or widening by construction of one or more additional traffic lanes 3.4DIII_QUESTION 0 0 6 Edit
the centre line of the proposed route of a new road under proposals published for public 3.4E_QUESTION 0 0 9 Edit
the outer limits of 3.4F_QUESTION 0 0 6 Edit
(i) construction of a proposed alteration or improvement to an existing road involving construction of a subway underpass flyover footbridge elevated road or dual carriageway; 3.4FI_QUESTION 0 0 5 Edit
(ii) construction of a roundabout (other than a mini roundabout) 3.4FII_QUESTION 0 0 6 Edit
(iii) widening by construction of one or more additional traffic lanes, under proposals published for public consultation 3.4FIII_QUESTION 0 0 5 Edit
Nearby railway schemes 3.5_QUESTION 0 0 3 Edit
Is the property (or will it be) within 200 metres of the centre line of a proposed railway, tramway, 3.5A_QUESTION 0 0 12 Edit
Are there are any proposals for a railway, tramway, light railway or monorail within the Local 3.5B_QUESTION 0 0 7 Edit
Traffic schemes Has a local authority approved but not yet implemented any of the following for the roads footways and footpaths which are named in Boxes B and C and are within 200 metres of the 3.6_QUESTION 0 0 10 Edit
permanent stopping up or diversion 3.6A_QUESTION 0 0 6 Edit
waiting or loading restrictions 3.6B_QUESTION 0 0 4 Edit
one way driving 3.6C_QUESTION 0 0 5 Edit
prohibition of driving 3.6D_QUESTION 0 0 4 Edit
pedestrianisation 3.6E_QUESTION 0 0 4 Edit
vehicle width or weight restriction 3.6F_QUESTION 0 0 4 Edit
traffic calming works including road humps 3.6G_QUESTION 0 0 6 Edit
residents parking controls 3.6H_QUESTION 0 0 4 Edit
minor road widening or improvement 3.6I_QUESTION 0 0 4 Edit