
Text Label Final Prompts Section Prompts Label Annotations Meta data Edit
Where can the record be inspected? 20.2B_QUESTION 0 0 2 Edit
Has any flood defence or land drainage consent relating to the property been given or refused, or (if applicable) is the subject of a pending application? 21.0_QUESTION 0 0 4 Edit
Is the property, or any land which abuts the property, registered common land or town or village green under the Commons Registration Act 1965 or the Commons Act 2006? 22.1_QUESTION 0 0 5 Edit
Is there any prescribed information about maps and statements, deposited under s.15A of the Commons Act 2006, in the register maintained under s.15B(1) of the Commons Act 2006 or under s.31A of the 22.2_QUESTION 0 0 5 Edit
If there are any entries, how can copies of the matters registered be obtained and where can the register be inspected? 22.3_QUESTION 0 0 3 Edit
Part 1: General Financial Charges LLCGFC_QUESTION 0 0 5 Edit
Part 2: Specific Financial Charges LLCSFC_QUESTION 0 0 4 Edit
Part 3: Planning Charges LLCPC_QUESTION 0 0 13 Edit
Part 4: Miscellaneous Charges LLCMC_QUESTION 0 0 6 Edit
Part 5: Fenland Ways Maintenance Charges LLCFWMC_QUESTION 0 0 3 Edit
Part 6: Land Compensation Charges LLCLCC_QUESTION 0 0 3 Edit
Part 7: New Town Charges LLCNTC_QUESTION 0 0 2 Edit
Part 8: Civil Aviation Charges LLCCAC_QUESTION 0 0 2 Edit
Part 9: OpenCast Coal Charges LLCOCC_QUESTION 0 0 2 Edit
Part 10: Listed Building Charges LLCLBC_QUESTION 0 0 3 Edit
Part 11: Light Obstruction Notices LLCLON_QUESTION 0 0 4 Edit
Part 12: Land Drainage Schemes LLCLDS_QUESTION 0 0 2 Edit