Label annotations

Text Edit Delete
312 compulsory purchase has any enforceable order or decision been made to compulsorily purchase or acquire the property Edit
312 compulsory purchase has any enforceable order or devision been made to compulsorily purchase or aquire the property Edit
312 compulsory purchase has any enforceable order or decision been made to compulsory purchase or acquire the property Edit
312 compulsory purchases has any enforceable order or decision been made to compulsorily purchase or acquire the property Edit
312 has any enforceable order or decision been made to compulsory purchase or acquire the property Edit
312 has any enforceable order or decision been made to compulsorily purchase or acquire the property Edit
312 has any enforceable order or decision been made to compulsorily purchase or acquire the property Edit
312 compulsory purchase 312 has any enforceable order or decision been made to compulsorily purchase or acquire the property Edit