- Review

Question LA Reply Final Answer Confidence Final prediction Status Edit
3.15BII_QUESTION - (ii) Has the local authority received a notice of disposal? Not applicable Not applicable 0% Edit
3.15BIII_QUESTION - (iii) Has any community interest group requested to be treated as a bidder? Not applicable Not applicable 0% Edit
4.0A_QUESTION - (a) the construction of a new road, or None None 0% Edit
4.0B_QUESTION - (b) the alteration or improvement of an existing road, involving the construction, whether or not within existing highway limits, of a subway, underpass, flyover, footbridge, elevated road, dual None None 0% Edit
5.1_QUESTION - Please list any entries in the register of applications, directions and decisions relating to consent for the display of advertisements Planning Application Reference : 20583/9 Application Type : Advertisement Consent Proposal : FASCIA SIGN & PROJECTING SIGN. Location : 30 High Street Congleton Cheshire CW12 1BD Registration Date : 25-January-1989 Decision : approved with conditions Decision Date : 14-February-1989 Appeal Start Date : Appeal Decision : Appeal Decision Date : Planning Application Reference : 20583/9 Application Type : Advertisement Consent Proposal : FASCIA SIGN & PROJECTING SIGN. Location : 30 High Street Congleton Cheshire CW12 1BD Registration Date : 25-January-1989 Decision : approved with conditions Decision Date : 14-February-1989 Appeal Start Date : Appeal Decision : Appeal Decision Date : 0% Edit
5.2_QUESTION - If there are any entries, where can that register be inspected? No specific location mentioned for inspection. No specific location mentioned for inspection. 0% Edit
5.3A_QUESTION - Has any notice been given by the Secretary of State or served in respect of a direction or proposed direction restricting deemed consent for any class of advertisement? No No 0% Edit
5.3B_QUESTION - Has the local authority resolved to serve a notice requiring the display of any advertisement to be discontinued? No No 0% Edit
5.3C_QUESTION - If a discontinuance notice has been served, has it been complied with to the satisfaction of the local authority? No No 0% Edit
5.3D_QUESTION - Has the local authority resolved to serve any other notice or proceedings relating to a contravention of the control of advertisements? No No 0% Edit