- Review

Question LA Reply Final Answer Confidence Final prediction Status Edit
13.0_QUESTION - Has the local authority resolved to define the area as an improvement area under s.4 of the Inner Urban Areas Act 1978? 0% Edit
14.1_QUESTION - Is the area a simplified planning zone adopted or approved pursuant to s.83 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990? No No 0% Edit
14.2_QUESTION - Has the local authority approved any proposal for designating the area as a simplified planning zone? No No 0% Edit
15.0_QUESTION - Has the local authority authorised the service of a maintenance notice under s.215 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990? 0% Edit
16.0_QUESTION - Is the area a mineral consultation area or mineral safeguarding area notified by the county planning authority under Schedule 1 para 7 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990? No No 0% Edit
17.1_QUESTION - Please list any entries in the Register kept pursuant to s.28 of the Planning (Hazardous Substances) Act 1990. 0% Edit
17.2A_QUESTION - If there are any entries how can copies of the entries be obtained 0% Edit
17.2B_QUESTION - Where can the Register be inspected? 0% Edit
18.0_QUESTION - What outstanding statutory or informal notices have been issued by the local authority under the Environmental Protection Act 1990 or the Control of Pollution Act 1974? (This enquiry does not cover No No 0% Edit
19.0_QUESTION - What outstanding statutory notices or informal notices have been issued by the local authority under the Food Safety Act 1990 or the Food Safety and Hygiene (England) Regulations 2013? None None 0% Edit