West Oxfordshire District Council - Review

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22.3_QUESTION - If there are any entries, how can copies of the matters registered be obtained and where can the register be inspected? A copy of the register maintained under the Commons Registration Act 1965: Oxfordshire County Council, Countryside Records, Ground Floor, County Hall, New Road, Oxford OX1 1ND Alternatively, you may telephone 01865 810808 or send an email to commonland@oxfordshire.gov.uk. Please quote the above mentioned register unit number in any request. A charge may be made for a copy of the register. A copy of the register maintained under s15B(1) Commons Act 2006 or under s.31A of the Highways Act 1980: County Council, Countryside Records, Ground Floor, County Hall, New Road, Oxford OX1 1ND Alternatively, you may telephone 01865 810808 or send an email to landownerdeposits@oxfordshire.gov.uk Please quote the above-mentioned register unit no. in any requests. A charge may be made for a copy of the register A copy of the register maintained under the Commons Registration Act 1965: Oxfordshire County Council, Countryside Records, Ground Floor, County Hall, New Road, Oxford OX1 1ND Alternatively, you may telephone 01865 810808 or send an email to commonland@oxfordshire.gov.uk. Please quote the above mentioned register unit number in any request. A charge may be made for a copy of the register. A copy of the register maintained under s15B(1) Commons Act 2006 or under s.31A of the Highways Act 1980: County Council, Countryside Records, Ground Floor, County Hall, New Road, Oxford OX1 1ND Alternatively, you may telephone 01865 810808 or send an email to landownerdeposits@oxfordshire.gov.uk Please quote the above-mentioned register unit no. in any requests. A charge may be made for a copy of the register 0% Edit
LLCPC_QUESTION - Part 3: Planning Charges Category: Planning - Conditional planningconsent Location: Gladstone House 2 Wychwood View Woodstock Road Charlbury Chipping Norton Oxfordshire OX7 3ET Description: Alterations anderectionoftwosinglestoreysideextensions. Law: Town andCountry Planning Act 1990 section70 Legal Document: Planning permission Originating Authority: West Oxfordshire District Council Authority Reference: 20/01308/HHD Source Information: https://www.westoxon.gov.uk/planning-and-building/ Registration Date: 3 August 2020 Creation Date: 30 July 2020 HM Land Registry Reference: LLC-474VK Category: Planning - Conditional planningconsent Location: Land North Of Little Lees Charlbury Oxfordshire Description: Erection oftwentytwodwellingsandassociatedworks(with access fromLittle Lees andLees Heights). Law: Town andCountry Planning Act 1990 section70 Legal Document: Planning permission Originating Authority: West Oxfordshire District Council Authority Reference: 15/00567/FUL Source Information: https://www.westoxon.gov.uk/planning-and-building/ Registration Date: 13 February 2017 Creation Date: 18 January 2017 HM Land Registry Reference: LLC-46XQX Category: Planning - Conditional planningconsent Location: Woody Lane House Woody Lane Charlbury Description: Excavation andconstructionofpond. Law: Town andCountry Planning Act 1990 section70 Legal Document: Planning permission Originating Authority: West Oxfordshire District Council Authority Reference: 06/1382/P/FP Source Information: https://www.westoxon.gov.uk/planning-and-building/ Registration Date: 18 September 2006 Creation Date: 18 September 2006 HM Land Registry Reference: LLC-456SG Category: Planning - Conditional planningconsent Location: Woody Lane House Woody Lane Charlbury Chipping Norton Oxfordshire OX7 3EY Description: Erection ofsingle& twostoreyextensiontoeastelevation. Law: Town andCountry Planning Act 1990 section70 Legal Document: Planning permission Originating Authority: West Oxfordshire District Council Authority Reference: W99/0161 Source Information: https://www.westoxon.gov.uk/planning-and-building/ Registration Date: 11 March 1999 Creation Date: 11 March 1999 HM Land Registry Reference: LLC-46KWY Category: Planning - Enforcement notice Location: LAND AT WOODY LANE CHARLBURY Description: E30/76. West Oxfordshire District Council enforcement notice requiringwithinonecalendarmonth, todiscontinuethe use ofthelandforpurposedepositspoil, the storage ofbuildersmaterials, thesitingsiteoffices, ahutand a caravanandtheparkingofcars, andtorestorethelandits condition beforethedevelopmenttookplace. Dated 2 December 1976. This noticeiseffective30 daysafteritis served andisdated2 December 1976. Law: Legal Document: Notice Originating Authority: West Oxfordshire District Council Authority Reference: PT232505 Source Information: https://www.westoxon.gov.uk/planning-and-building/ Registration Date: 3 December 1976 Creation Date: HM Land Registry Reference: LLC-44VMZ Category: Planning - Enforcement notice Location: WOODY LANE HOUSE WOODY LANE CHARLBURY Description: 3/15/66. West Oxfordshire District Council enforcement notice requiringwithinonecalendarmonthfromthedatethis notice takeseffect, todiscontinuetheuseoflandfor purpose ofthedepositspoilstoragebuilders materials, thesitingofsiteoffices, ahutandcaravanthe parking ofcarsandtorestorethelanditsconditionbefore the developmenttookplace. This noticeiseffective30 days after itisservedanddated2 December 1976. Law: Legal Document: Notice Originating Authority: West Oxfordshire District Council Authority Reference: PT232506 Source Information: https://www.westoxon.gov.uk/planning-and-building/ Registration Date: 3 December 1976 Creation Date: HM Land Registry Reference: LLC-44VN0 Category: Planning - Tree preservationorder(TPO) Location: Lees Heights Charlbury Oxon Description: TPO number: 141.67 Law: Legal Document: Order Originating Authority: West Oxfordshire District Council Authority Reference: TPO/000236 Source Information: https://www.westoxon.gov.uk/planning-and-building/ Registration Date: 13 July 1976 Creation Date: HM Land Registry Reference: LLC-44XHB Category: Planning - Conditional planningconsent Location: Woody Lane House Woody Lane Charlbury Chipping Norton Oxfordshire OX7 3EY Description: Demolition ofexistinghouse. Law: Town andCountry Planning Act 1990 section70 Legal Document: Planning permission Originating Authority: West Oxfordshire District Council Authority Reference: W92/1608 Source Information: https://www.westoxon.gov.uk/planning-and-building/ Registration Date: 3 February 1993 Creation Date: 3 February 1993 HM Land Registry Reference: LLC-467J4 Category: Planning - No permitteddevelopment/ article4 Location: Article 4 (Charlbury 1) Description: Law: Legal Document: Direction Originating Authority: West Oxfordshire District Council Authority Reference: ARTF/000112 Source Information: https://www.westoxon.gov.uk/planning-and-building/ Registration Date: 27 November 1985 Creation Date: 27 November 1985 HM Land Registry Reference: LLC-44XHV Category: Planning - Conservation area Location: Charlbury Description: Charlbury CA Law: Legal Document: Notice Originating Authority: West Oxfordshire District Council Authority Reference: CONARA/000487 Source Information: https://www.westoxon.gov.uk/planning-and-building/ Registration Date: 2 January 1979 Creation Date: 2 January 1979 HM Land Registry Reference: LLC-44XG0 Category: Planning - Conditional planning consent Location: Land Adj To 40, Little Lees, Charlbury. Description: Erection of four temporary agricultural buildings and restoration of northern boundary hedge including the insertion of a pedestrian access gate (retrospective). Law: Town and Country Planning Act 1990 section 70 Legal Document: Planning permission Originating Authority: West Oxfordshire District Council Authority Reference: W97/1631 Source Information: https://www.westoxon.gov.uk/planning-and-building/ Registration Date: 6 January 1998 Creation Date: 6 January 1998 HM Land Registry Reference: LLC-46N3B Category: Planning - Conditional planning consent Location: Woody Lane House Woody Lane Charlbury Chipping Norton Oxfordshire OX7 3EY Description: Erection of one dwelling. Law: Town and Country Planning Act 1990 section 70 Legal Document: Planning permission Originating Authority: West Oxfordshire District Council Authority Reference: W92/1607 Source Information: https://www.westoxon.gov.uk/planning-and-building/ Registration Date: 3 February 1993 Creation Date: 3 February 1993 HM Land Registry Reference: LLC-467J3 Category: Planning - Conditional planning consent Location: Gladstone House 2 Wychwood View Woodstock Road Charlbury Chipping Norton Oxfordshire OX7 3ET Description: Alterations and additions Law: Town and Country Planning Act 1990 section70 Legal Document: Planning permission Originating Authority: West Oxfordshire District Council Authority Reference: 21/00163/HHD Source Information: https://www.westoxon.gov.uk/planning-and-building/ Registration Date: 18 March 2021 Creation Date: 17 March 2021 HM Land Registry Reference: LLC-475QB Category: Planning - Conditional planningconsent Location: Gladstone House 2 Wychwood View Woodstock Road Charlbury Chipping Norton Oxfordshire OX7 3ET Description: Alterations anderectionoftwosinglestoreysideextensions. Law: Town andCountry Planning Act 1990 section70 Legal Document: Planning permission Originating Authority: West Oxfordshire District Council Authority Reference: 20/01308/HHD Source Information: https://www.westoxon.gov.uk/planning-and-building/ Registration Date: 3 August 2020 Creation Date: 30 July 2020 HM Land Registry Reference: LLC-474VK Category: Planning - Conditional planningconsent Location: Land North Of Little Lees Charlbury Oxfordshire Description: Erection oftwentytwodwellingsandassociatedworks(with access fromLittle Lees andLees Heights). Law: Town andCountry Planning Act 1990 section70 Legal Document: Planning permission Originating Authority: West Oxfordshire District Council Authority Reference: 15/00567/FUL Source Information: https://www.westoxon.gov.uk/planning-and-building/ Registration Date: 13 February 2017 Creation Date: 18 January 2017 HM Land Registry Reference: LLC-46XQX Category: Planning - Conditional planningconsent Location: Woody Lane House Woody Lane Charlbury Description: Excavation andconstructionofpond. Law: Town andCountry Planning Act 1990 section70 Legal Document: Planning permission Originating Authority: West Oxfordshire District Council Authority Reference: 06/1382/P/FP Source Information: https://www.westoxon.gov.uk/planning-and-building/ Registration Date: 18 September 2006 Creation Date: 18 September 2006 HM Land Registry Reference: LLC-456SG Category: Planning - Conditional planningconsent Location: Woody Lane House Woody Lane Charlbury Chipping Norton Oxfordshire OX7 3EY Description: Erection ofsingle& twostoreyextensiontoeastelevation. Law: Town andCountry Planning Act 1990 section70 Legal Document: Planning permission Originating Authority: West Oxfordshire District Council Authority Reference: W99/0161 Source Information: https://www.westoxon.gov.uk/planning-and-building/ Registration Date: 11 March 1999 Creation Date: 11 March 1999 HM Land Registry Reference: LLC-46KWY Category: Planning - Enforcement notice Location: LAND AT WOODY LANE CHARLBURY Description: E30/76. West Oxfordshire District Council enforcement notice requiringwithinonecalendarmonth, todiscontinuethe use ofthelandforpurposedepositspoil, the storage ofbuildersmaterials, thesitingsiteoffices, ahutand a caravanandtheparkingofcars, andtorestorethelandits condition beforethedevelopmenttookplace. Dated 2 December 1976. This noticeiseffective30 daysafteritis served andisdated2 December 1976. Law: Legal Document: Notice Originating Authority: West Oxfordshire District Council Authority Reference: PT232505 Source Information: https://www.westoxon.gov.uk/planning-and-building/ Registration Date: 3 December 1976 Creation Date: HM Land Registry Reference: LLC-44VMZ Category: Planning - Enforcement notice Location: WOODY LANE HOUSE WOODY LANE CHARLBURY Description: 3/15/66. West Oxfordshire District Council enforcement notice requiringwithinonecalendarmonthfromthedatethis notice takeseffect, todiscontinuetheuseoflandfor purpose ofthedepositspoilstoragebuilders materials, thesitingofsiteoffices, ahutandcaravanthe parking ofcarsandtorestorethelanditsconditionbefore the developmenttookplace. This noticeiseffective30 days after itisservedanddated2 December 1976. Law: Legal Document: Notice Originating Authority: West Oxfordshire District Council Authority Reference: PT232506 Source Information: https://www.westoxon.gov.uk/planning-and-building/ Registration Date: 3 December 1976 Creation Date: HM Land Registry Reference: LLC-44VN0 Category: Planning - Tree preservationorder(TPO) Location: Lees Heights Charlbury Oxon Description: TPO number: 141.67 Law: Legal Document: Order Originating Authority: West Oxfordshire District Council Authority Reference: TPO/000236 Source Information: https://www.westoxon.gov.uk/planning-and-building/ Registration Date: 13 July 1976 Creation Date: HM Land Registry Reference: LLC-44XHB Category: Planning - Conditional planningconsent Location: Woody Lane House Woody Lane Charlbury Chipping Norton Oxfordshire OX7 3EY Description: Demolition ofexistinghouse. Law: Town andCountry Planning Act 1990 section70 Legal Document: Planning permission Originating Authority: West Oxfordshire District Council Authority Reference: W92/1608 Source Information: https://www.westoxon.gov.uk/planning-and-building/ Registration Date: 3 February 1993 Creation Date: 3 February 1993 HM Land Registry Reference: LLC-467J4 Category: Planning - No permitteddevelopment/ article4 Location: Article 4 (Charlbury 1) Description: Law: Legal Document: Direction Originating Authority: West Oxfordshire District Council Authority Reference: ARTF/000112 Source Information: https://www.westoxon.gov.uk/planning-and-building/ Registration Date: 27 November 1985 Creation Date: 27 November 1985 HM Land Registry Reference: LLC-44XHV Category: Planning - Conservation area Location: Charlbury Description: Charlbury CA Law: Legal Document: Notice Originating Authority: West Oxfordshire District Council Authority Reference: CONARA/000487 Source Information: https://www.westoxon.gov.uk/planning-and-building/ Registration Date: 2 January 1979 Creation Date: 2 January 1979 HM Land Registry Reference: LLC-44XG0 Category: Planning - Conditional planning consent Location: Land Adj To 40, Little Lees, Charlbury. Description: Erection of four temporary agricultural buildings and restoration of northern boundary hedge including the insertion of a pedestrian access gate (retrospective). Law: Town and Country Planning Act 1990 section 70 Legal Document: Planning permission Originating Authority: West Oxfordshire District Council Authority Reference: W97/1631 Source Information: https://www.westoxon.gov.uk/planning-and-building/ Registration Date: 6 January 1998 Creation Date: 6 January 1998 HM Land Registry Reference: LLC-46N3B Category: Planning - Conditional planning consent Location: Woody Lane House Woody Lane Charlbury Chipping Norton Oxfordshire OX7 3EY Description: Erection of one dwelling. Law: Town and Country Planning Act 1990 section 70 Legal Document: Planning permission Originating Authority: West Oxfordshire District Council Authority Reference: W92/1607 Source Information: https://www.westoxon.gov.uk/planning-and-building/ Registration Date: 3 February 1993 Creation Date: 3 February 1993 HM Land Registry Reference: LLC-467J3 Category: Planning - Conditional planning consent Location: Gladstone House 2 Wychwood View Woodstock Road Charlbury Chipping Norton Oxfordshire OX7 3ET Description: Alterations and additions Law: Town and Country Planning Act 1990 section70 Legal Document: Planning permission Originating Authority: West Oxfordshire District Council Authority Reference: 21/00163/HHD Source Information: https://www.westoxon.gov.uk/planning-and-building/ Registration Date: 18 March 2021 Creation Date: 17 March 2021 HM Land Registry Reference: LLC-475QB 100% Edit