Cheshire East Council (Unitary) - Review

Question LA Reply Final Answer Confidence Final prediction Status Edit
1.1K_QUESTION - building regulation completion certificate and For completion certificates please contact Building Control direct. For completion certificates please contact Building Control direct. 0% Edit
1.1L_QUESTION - any building regulations certificate or notice issued in respect of work carried out under a competent person self-certification scheme? None None 0% Edit
1.2_QUESTION - What designations of land use for the property or the area, and what specific proposals for the property, are contained in any existing or proposed development plan? Plan: Congleton Local Plan Policy Type: Local Plan Boundary Policy Number: None Link: None Plan: Congleton Local Plan Policy Type: Conservation Area Policy Number: BH8-10 Link: Plan: Congleton Local Plan Policy Type: Area of Archaeological Potential Policy Number: BH12 Link: Plan: Congleton Local Plan Policy Type: Town Centre Boundary Policy Number: S3, S5, S6 Link: Plan: Congleton Local Plan Policy Type: Principal Shopping Area Policy Number: S4 Link: Plan: Congleton Local Plan Policy Type: Settlement Zone Line Policy Number: PS5, S7 Link: Plan: CE Local Plan Strategy 2010-2030 Policy Type: Local Plan Strategy 2010-2030 Boundary Policy Number: - Link: None Plan: Congleton Local Plan Policy Type: Local Plan Boundary Policy Number: None Link: None Plan: Congleton Local Plan Policy Type: Conservation Area Policy Number: BH8-10 Link: Plan: Congleton Local Plan Policy Type: Area of Archaeological Potential Policy Number: BH12 Link: Plan: Congleton Local Plan Policy Type: Town Centre Boundary Policy Number: S3, S5, S6 Link: Plan: Congleton Local Plan Policy Type: Principal Shopping Area Policy Number: S4 Link: Plan: Congleton Local Plan Policy Type: Settlement Zone Line Policy Number: PS5, S7 Link: Plan: CE Local Plan Strategy 2010-2030 Policy Type: Local Plan Strategy 2010-2030 Boundary Policy Number: - Link: None 0% Edit
2.1A_QUESTION - highways maintainable at public expense High Street Parish: Congleton USRN: 09100574 Section Reference: UY814 Extent of adoption: Bridge Street and Market Street to Canal Street and Lawton Street Length of road adopted: 114.72 metres Adoption status: ADOPTED Market Square Parish: Congleton USRN: 09100774 Section Reference: UY2329 Extent of adoption: High Street to Kinsey Street Length of road adopted: 150.28 metres Adoption status: ADOPTED High Street Parish: Congleton USRN: 09100574 Section Reference: UY814 Extent of adoption: Bridge Street and Market Street to Canal Street and Lawton Street Length of road adopted: 114.72 metres Adoption status: ADOPTED Market Square Parish: Congleton USRN: 09100774 Section Reference: UY2329 Extent of adoption: High Street to Kinsey Street Length of road adopted: 150.28 metres Adoption status: ADOPTED 0% Edit
2.1B_QUESTION - subject to adoption and, supported by a bond or bond waiver None None 0% Edit
2.1C_QUESTION - to be made up by a local authority who will reclaim the cost from the frontagers None None 0% Edit
2.1D_QUESTION - to be adopted by a local authority without reclaiming the cost from the frontagers None None 0% Edit
2.2_QUESTION - Is any public right of way which abuts on, or crosses the property, shown on a definitive map or revised definitive map? No No 0% Edit
2.3_QUESTION - Are there any pending applications to record a public right of way that abuts, or crosses the property on a definitive map or revised definitive map? No No 0% Edit
2.4_QUESTION - Are there any legal orders to stop up, divert, alter or create a public right which abuts or crosses the property not yet implemented or shown on a definitive map? No No 0% Edit