West Oxfordshire District Council - Review

Question LA Reply Final Answer Confidence Final prediction Status Edit
3.9L_QUESTION - an order requiring discontinuance of use or alteration or removal of building or works No No 0% Edit
3.9M_QUESTION - a tree preservation order Tree Preservation Order on adjacent site - branches may overhang site searched upon TPO: 141.67 Tree Preservation Order on adjacent site - branches may overhang site searched upon TPO: 141.67 0% Edit
3.9N_QUESTION - proceedings to enforce a planning agreement or planning contribution No No 0% Edit
3.10A_QUESTION - Is there a CIL charging schedule The draft Charging Schedule has been withdrawn, there is no CIL in place at present. The draft Charging Schedule has been withdrawn, there is no CIL in place at present. 0% Edit
3.10BI_QUESTION - (i) a liability notice? N/A N/A 0% Edit
3.10BII_QUESTION - (ii) a notice of chargeable development? N/A N/A 0% Edit
3.10BIII_QUESTION - (iii) a demand notice? N/A N/A 0% Edit
3.10BIV_QUESTION - (iv) a default liability notice? N/A N/A 0% Edit
3.10BV_QUESTION - (v) an assumption of liability notice? N/A N/A 0% Edit
3.10BVI_QUESTION - (vi) a commencement notice? N/A N/A 0% Edit