West Oxfordshire District Council - 17/09/2024 15:23:35

Index Section Question Content Open AI Response Report Entities
1.1 Are there any Planning or Building Control Entries? [{"Reference":"1.1A_QUESTION","Text":"a planning permission","Answer":[{"Reference":"18/02769/FUL","Description":"Erection of three dwellings with access via the consented scheme under 17/03423/FUL.","Location":"Land South Of Woody Lane House, Woody Lane, Charlbury, Oxfordshire","Date Decision Issued":"30/11/2018","Decision":"Refuse","Appeal Reference":"19/00013/APPEAL","Appeal Date":"25/01/2019","Appeal Decision":"Appeal Dismissed","Appeal Decision Date":"08/07/2019"},{"Reference":"06/1382/P/FP","Description":"Excavation and construction of pond.","Location":"Woody Lane House, Woody Lane, Charlbury","Date Decision Issued":"18/09/2006","Decision":"Grant, subject to conditions"},{"Reference":"W83/1048","Description":"Erection of gate tower for use as dwelling unit","Location":"Tower Fields, Off Less Heights, Charlbury.","Date Decision Issued":"08/08/1983","Decision":"No Decision Recorded"},{"Reference":"W92/1607","Description":"Erection of one dwelling.","Location":"Woody Lane House, Woody Lane, Charlbury.","Date Decision Issued":"04/02/1993","Decision":"Approve"},{"Reference":"W99/0161","Description":"Erection of single & two storey extension to east elevation.","Location":"Woody Lane House, Woody Lane, Charlbury.","Date Decision Issued":"11/03/1999","Decision":"Approve"}],"SimpleAnswer":"Yes","Found":"True"},{"Reference":"1.1B_QUESTION","Text":"a listed building consent","Answer":"None","SimpleAnswer":"No","Found":"True"},{"Reference":"1.1C_QUESTION","Text":"a conservation area consent","Answer":[{"Reference":"W92/1608","Description":"Demolition of existing house.","Location":"Woody Lane House, Woody Lane, Charlbury.","Date Decision Issued":"04/02/1993","Decision":"Approve"}],"SimpleAnswer":"Yes","Found":"True"},{"Reference":"1.1D_QUESTION","Text":"a certificate of lawfulness of existing use or development","Answer":"None","SimpleAnswer":"No","Found":"True"},{"Reference":"1.1E_QUESTION","Text":"a certificate of lawfulness of proposed use or development","Answer":"None","SimpleAnswer":"No","Found":"True"},{"Reference":"1.1F_QUESTION","Text":"a certificate of lawfulness of proposed works for listed buildings","Answer":"None","SimpleAnswer":"No","Found":"True"},{"Reference":"1.1G_QUESTION","Text":"a heritage partnership agreement","Answer":"None","SimpleAnswer":"No","Found":"True"},{"Reference":"1.1H_QUESTION","Text":"a listed building consent order","Answer":"None","SimpleAnswer":"No","Found":"True"},{"Reference":"1.1I_QUESTION","Text":"a local listed building consent order","Answer":"None","SimpleAnswer":"No","Found":"True"},{"Reference":"1.1J_QUESTION","Text":"building regulations approval","Answer":"None","SimpleAnswer":"No","Found":"True"},{"Reference":"1.1K_QUESTION","Text":"a building regulation completion certificate","Answer":"None","SimpleAnswer":"No","Found":"True"},{"Reference":"1.1L_QUESTION","Text":"any building regulations certificate or notice issued in respect of work carried out under a competent person self-certification scheme","Answer":"None","SimpleAnswer":"No","Found":"True"}] 12
1.2 Are there any Development Plan Policies? [{"Reference":"1.2_QUESTION","Text":"What designations of land use for the property, or the area, and what specific proposals for the property, are contained in any existing or proposed development plan?","Answer":"The following is a list of all the development plan documents current for West Oxfordshire and specific policies or proposals which may affect this property:\n\n- West Oxfordshire Local Plan 2011 Adopted June 2006.\n- Minerals and Waste Local Plan adopted July 1996.\n- Emerging Local Development Framework (LDF). More information is available at http://www.westoxon.gov.uk/planning/CoreStrategy.cfm. Please note that, at present, these new development plan documents have not reached a stage where they replace the adopted local plan.\n\nThe following land use designations specifically apply to this property:\n\n- Policy BC1 – Burford – Charlbury sub-area\n- Policy H1 – Amount and distribution of housing\n- Policy EH1 - Cotswolds Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty\n- Policy EH3 – Biodiversity and geodiversity\n- Policy EH9 – Historic environment\n- Policy EH10 - Conservation areas","SimpleAnswer":"Yes","Found":"True"}] 1
2.1 Are any of the roads named in the search application classed as Private Roads and/or are there any Public Rights of Way? [{"Reference":"2.1A_QUESTION","Text":"Which of the roads, footways and footpaths named in the application for this search (via boxes B and C) are: a) highways maintainable at public expense","Answer":"The following only are publicly maintainable under the Highways Act 1980 (refer to plan submitted with your search):- Woody Lane is not Maintainable at Public Expense","SimpleAnswer":"No","Found":"True"},{"Reference":"2.1B_QUESTION","Text":"Which of the roads, footways and footpaths named in the application for this search (via boxes B and C) are: b) subject to adoption and, supported by a bond or bond waiver","Answer":"None","SimpleAnswer":"No","Found":"True"},{"Reference":"2.1C_QUESTION","Text":"Which of the roads, footways and footpaths named in the application for this search (via boxes B and C) are: c) to be made up by a local authority who will reclaim the cost from the frontagers","Answer":"None","SimpleAnswer":"No","Found":"True"},{"Reference":"2.1D_QUESTION","Text":"Which of the roads, footways and footpaths named in the application for this search (via boxes B and C) are: d) to be adopted by a local authority without reclaiming the cost from the frontagers","Answer":"None","SimpleAnswer":"No","Found":"True"}] 4
2.2 Is any public right of way which abuts on, or crosses the property, shown on a definitive map or revised definitive map ? [{"Reference":"2.2_QUESTION","Text":"Is any public right of way which abuts on, or crosses the property, shown in a definitive map or revised definitive map?","Answer":"Yes - Current Definitive Map Public Rights of Way as indicated approx. on plan","SimpleAnswer":"Yes","Found":"True"}] 1
2.3 Are there any pending applications to record a public right of way that abuts, or crosses the property on a definitive map or revised definitive map ? [{"Reference":"2.3_QUESTION","Text":"Are there any pending applications to record a public right of way that abuts, or crosses the property, on the Register?","Answer":"None","SimpleAnswer":"No","Found":"True"}] 1