- 17/09/2024 16:28:20

Index Section Question Content Open AI Response Report Entities
2.4 Are there any legal orders to stop up, divert, alter or create a public right which abuts or crosses the property not yet implemented or shown on a definitive map ? [{"Reference":"2.4_QUESTION","Text":"Are there any legal orders to stop up, divert, alter or create a public right of way which abuts, or crosses the property not yet implemented or shown on a definitive map?","Answer":"None","SimpleAnswer":"No","Found":true}] 1
2.5 If so, please attach a plan showing the approximate route. [{"Reference":"2.5_QUESTION","Text":"If so, please attach a plan showing the approximate route","Answer":"None","SimpleAnswer":"No","Found":true}] 1
3.1 Is the Property part of Land required for Public Purposes? [{"Reference":"3.1_QUESTION","Text":"Is the property included in land required for public purposes?","Answer":"No","SimpleAnswer":"No","Found":"True"}] 1
3.2 Is the property part of land to be Acquired for Road Works? [{"Reference":"3.2_QUESTION","Text":"Is the property included in land to be acquired for road works?","Answer":"No","SimpleAnswer":"No","Found":"True"}] 1
3.3 Are there any Drainage Matters? [{"Reference":"3.3A_QUESTION","Text":"Is the property served by a sustainable urban drainage system (SuDS)?","Answer":"No - This reply covers major applications determined form 06.04.2015. For all other developments, which may incorporate sustainable drainage schemes (including soakways) you are advised to check the detailed plans which can be viewed online at www.preston.gov.uk However please note that the Local Authority will not always be notified of such schemes and therefore the online plans will not necessarily incorporate drainage details. Where this is the case we would advise that you make enquiries of the seller.","SimpleAnswer":"No","Found":"True"},{"Reference":"3.3B_QUESTION","Text":"Are there SuDS features within the boundary of the property? If yes, is the owner responsible for maintenance?","Answer":"No","SimpleAnswer":"No","Found":"True"},{"Reference":"3.3C_QUESTION","Text":"If the property benefits from a SuDS for which there is a charge, who bills the property for the surface water drainage charge?","Answer":"This information is not available to the Local Authority, please contact the seller or United Utilities","SimpleAnswer":"Attn Req","Found":"True"}] 3