- 17/09/2024 16:28:20

Index Section Question Content Open AI Response Report Entities
2.4 Are there any legal orders to stop up, divert, alter or create a public right which abuts or crosses the property not yet implemented or shown on a definitive map ? [{"Reference":"2.4_QUESTION","Text":"Are there any legal orders to stop up, divert, alter or create a public right of way which abuts or crosses the property not yet implemented or shown on a definitive map?","Answer":"No","SimpleAnswer":"No","Found":true}] 1
2.5 If so, please attach a plan showing the approximate route. [{"Reference":"2.5_QUESTION","Text":"If so, please attach a plan showing the approximate route.","Answer":"Not Applicable","SimpleAnswer":"Not Applicable","Found":true}] 1
3.1 Is the Property part of Land required for Public Purposes? [{"Reference":"3.1_QUESTION","Text":"Is the property included in land required for public purposes?","Answer":"No","SimpleAnswer":"No","Found":"True"}] 1
3.2 Is the property part of land to be Acquired for Road Works? [{"Reference":"3.2_QUESTION","Text":"Is the property included in land to be acquired for road works?","Answer":"No","SimpleAnswer":"No","Found":"True"}] 1
3.3 Are there any Drainage Matters? [{"Reference":"3.3A_QUESTION","Text":"Is the property served by a sustainable urban drainage system (SuDS)?","Answer":"Schedule 3 of the Flood and Water Management Act 2010 has yet to be enacted, therefore currently the Council is not legally required to record details of property related SuDS. However, where a property is served by a SuDS, construction and proposed future management details may be viewed by searching against the relevant planning application on the Council’s website http://www.wokingham.gov.uk/planning-and-building-control/planning-application/search-planning-applications/ More detailed information about the future maintenance arrangements, obligations and any associated costs in respect of the SuDS should be sought from the developer.","SimpleAnswer":"No","Found":"True"},{"Reference":"3.3B_QUESTION","Text":"Are there SuDS features within the boundary of the property? If yes, is the owner responsible for maintenance?","Answer":"See 3.3 (a) above.","SimpleAnswer":"Attn Req","Found":"True"},{"Reference":"3.3C_QUESTION","Text":"If the property benefits from a SuDS for which there is a charge, who bills the property for the surface water drainage charge?","Answer":"See 3.3 (a) above.","SimpleAnswer":"Attn Req","Found":"True"}] 3