- 17/09/2024 12:41:10

Index Section Question Content Open AI Response Report Entities
3.4A Are there any Road Schemes within 200m? [{"Reference":"3.4A_QUESTION","Text":"Is the property (or will it be) within 200 metres of the centre line of a new trunk road or special road specified in any order, draft order or scheme?","Answer":"No.","SimpleAnswer":"No","Found":true},{"Reference":"3.4B_QUESTION","Text":"Is the property (or will it be) within 200 metres of the centre line of a proposed alteration or improvement to an existing road involving construction of a subway, underpass, flyover, footbridge, elevated road or dual carriageway?","Answer":"No.","SimpleAnswer":"No","Found":true},{"Reference":"3.4C_QUESTION","Text":"Is the property (or will it be) within 200 metres of the outer limits of construction works for a proposed alteration or improvement to an existing road involving:","Answer":"","SimpleAnswer":"No","Found":true},{"Reference":"3.4CI_QUESTION","Text":"construction of a roundabout (other than a mini roundabout)?","Answer":"No.","SimpleAnswer":"No","Found":true},{"Reference":"3.4CII_QUESTION","Text":"widening by construction of one or more additional traffic lanes?","Answer":"No.","SimpleAnswer":"No","Found":true},{"Reference":"3.4D_QUESTION","Text":"Is the property (or will it be) within 200 metres of the outer limits of:","Answer":"","SimpleAnswer":"No","Found":true},{"Reference":"3.4DI_QUESTION","Text":"construction of a new road to be built by a local authority?","Answer":"No.","SimpleAnswer":"No","Found":true},{"Reference":"3.4DII_QUESTION","Text":"an approved alteration or improvement to an existing road involving construction of a subway, underpass, flyover, footbridge, elevated road or dual carriageway?","Answer":"No.","SimpleAnswer":"No","Found":true},{"Reference":"3.4DIII_QUESTION","Text":"construction of a roundabout (other than a mini roundabout) or widening by construction of one or more additional traffic lanes?","Answer":"No.","SimpleAnswer":"No","Found":true}] 9
3.4E the centre line of the proposed route [{"Reference":"3.4E_QUESTION","Text":"Is the property (or will it be) within 200 metres of the centre line of the proposed route of a new road under proposals published for public consultation?","Answer":"No.","SimpleAnswer":"No","Found":true},{"Reference":"3.4F_QUESTION","Text":"Is the property (or will it be) within 200 metres of the outer limits of:","Answer":"","SimpleAnswer":"No","Found":true},{"Reference":"3.4FI_QUESTION","Text":"construction of a proposed alteration or improvement to an existing road involving construction of a subway, underpass, flyover, footbridge, elevated road or dual carriageway?","Answer":"No.","SimpleAnswer":"No","Found":true},{"Reference":"3.4FII_QUESTION","Text":"construction a roundabout (other than a mini roundabout)?","Answer":"No.","SimpleAnswer":"No","Found":true},{"Reference":"3.4FIII_QUESTION","Text":"widening by construction of one or more additional traffic lanes, under proposals published for public consultation?","Answer":"No.","SimpleAnswer":"No","Found":true}] 5
3.5 Are there any Rail Schemes within 200m? [{"Reference":"3.5A_QUESTION","Text":"Is the property (or will it be) within 200 metres of the centre line of a proposed railway, tramway, light railway or monorail?","Answer":"No.","SimpleAnswer":"No","Found":"True"},{"Reference":"3.5B_QUESTION","Text":"Are there any proposals for a railway, tramway, light railway or monorail within the Local Authority's boundary?","Answer":"None","SimpleAnswer":"No","Found":"True"}] 2
3.6 Are there any Traffic Schemes? [{"Reference":"3.6A_QUESTION","Text":"Has a local authority approved but not yet implemented any of the following for the roads, footways and footpaths which are named in Boxes B and C and are within 200 metres of the boundaries of the property? (a) permanent stopping up or diversion","Answer":"No.","SimpleAnswer":"No","Found":"True"},{"Reference":"3.6B_QUESTION","Text":"Has a local authority approved but not yet implemented any of the following for the roads, footways and footpaths which are named in Boxes B and C and are within 200 metres of the boundaries of the property? (b) waiting or loading restrictions","Answer":"No.","SimpleAnswer":"No","Found":"True"},{"Reference":"3.6C_QUESTION","Text":"Has a local authority approved but not yet implemented any of the following for the roads, footways and footpaths which are named in Boxes B and C and are within 200 metres of the boundaries of the property? (c) one way driving","Answer":"No.","SimpleAnswer":"No","Found":"True"},{"Reference":"3.6D_QUESTION","Text":"Has a local authority approved but not yet implemented any of the following for the roads, footways and footpaths which are named in Boxes B and C and are within 200 metres of the boundaries of the property? (d) prohibition of driving","Answer":"No.","SimpleAnswer":"No","Found":"True"},{"Reference":"3.6E_QUESTION","Text":"Has a local authority approved but not yet implemented any of the following for the roads, footways and footpaths which are named in Boxes B and C and are within 200 metres of the boundaries of the property? (e) pedestrianisation","Answer":"No.","SimpleAnswer":"No","Found":"True"},{"Reference":"3.6F_QUESTION","Text":"Has a local authority approved but not yet implemented any of the following for the roads, footways and footpaths which are named in Boxes B and C and are within 200 metres of the boundaries of the property? (f) vehicle width or weight restriction","Answer":"No.","SimpleAnswer":"No","Found":"True"},{"Reference":"3.6G_QUESTION","Text":"Has a local authority approved but not yet implemented any of the following for the roads, footways and footpaths which are named in Boxes B and C and are within 200 metres of the boundaries of the property? (g) traffic calming works including road humps","Answer":"No.","SimpleAnswer":"No","Found":"True"},{"Reference":"3.6H_QUESTION","Text":"Has a local authority approved but not yet implemented any of the following for the roads, footways and footpaths which are named in Boxes B and C and are within 200 metres of the boundaries of the property? (h) residents parking controls","Answer":"No.","SimpleAnswer":"No","Found":"True"},{"Reference":"3.6I_QUESTION","Text":"Has a local authority approved but not yet implemented any of the following for the roads, footways and footpaths which are named in Boxes B and C and are within 200 metres of the boundaries of the property? (i) minor road widening or improvement","Answer":"No.","SimpleAnswer":"No","Found":"True"},{"Reference":"3.6J_QUESTION","Text":"Has a local authority approved but not yet implemented any of the following for the roads, footways and footpaths which are named in Boxes B and C and are within 200 metres of the boundaries of the property? (j) pedestrian crossings","Answer":"No.","SimpleAnswer":"No","Found":"True"},{"Reference":"3.6K_QUESTION","Text":"Has a local authority approved but not yet implemented any of the following for the roads, footways and footpaths which are named in Boxes B and C and are within 200 metres of the boundaries of the property? (k) cycle tracks","Answer":"No.","SimpleAnswer":"No","Found":"True"},{"Reference":"3.6L_QUESTION","Text":"Has a local authority approved but not yet implemented any of the following for the roads, footways and footpaths which are named in Boxes B and C and are within 200 metres of the boundaries of the property? (l) bridge building","Answer":"No.","SimpleAnswer":"No","Found":"True"}] 12
3.7 Are there any Outstanding Notices? [{"Reference":"3.7A_QUESTION","Text":"Do any statutory notices which relate to the following matters subsist in relation to the property other than those revealed in response to any other enquiry in this form? (a) building works","Answer":"No","SimpleAnswer":"No","Found":true},{"Reference":"3.7B_QUESTION","Text":"Do any statutory notices which relate to the following matters subsist in relation to the property other than those revealed in response to any other enquiry in this form? (b) environment","Answer":"No.","SimpleAnswer":"No","Found":true},{"Reference":"3.7C_QUESTION","Text":"Do any statutory notices which relate to the following matters subsist in relation to the property other than those revealed in response to any other enquiry in this form? (c) health and safety","Answer":"No.","SimpleAnswer":"No","Found":true},{"Reference":"3.7D_QUESTION","Text":"Do any statutory notices which relate to the following matters subsist in relation to the property other than those revealed in response to any other enquiry in this form? (d) housing","Answer":"No.","SimpleAnswer":"No","Found":true},{"Reference":"3.7E_QUESTION","Text":"Do any statutory notices which relate to the following matters subsist in relation to the property other than those revealed in response to any other enquiry in this form? (e) highways","Answer":"No.","SimpleAnswer":"No","Found":true},{"Reference":"3.7F_QUESTION","Text":"Do any statutory notices which relate to the following matters subsist in relation to the property other than those revealed in response to any other enquiry in this form? (f) public health","Answer":"No.","SimpleAnswer":"No","Found":true},{"Reference":"3.7G_QUESTION","Text":"Do any statutory notices which relate to the following matters subsist in relation to the property other than those revealed in response to any other enquiry in this form? (g) flood and coastal erosion risk management","Answer":"None","SimpleAnswer":"No","Found":true}] 7