Chesterfield Borough Council - 17/09/2024 16:28:20

Index Section Question Content Open AI Response Report Entities
3.4A Are there any Road Schemes within 200m? [{"Reference":"3.4A_QUESTION","Text":"a the centre line of a new trunk road or special road specified in any order draft order or scheme","Answer":"No","SimpleAnswer":"No","Found":true},{"Reference":"3.4B_QUESTION","Text":"b the centre line of a proposed alteration or improvement to an existing road notified to the council by the appropriate secretary of state involving the construction of a subway underpass flyover footbridge elevated road or dual carriageway","Answer":"No","SimpleAnswer":"No","Found":true},{"Reference":"3.4C_QUESTION","Text":"ciii the outer limits of construction works for a proposed alteration or improvement to an existing road involving","Answer":"No","SimpleAnswer":"No","Found":true},{"Reference":"3.4CI_QUESTION","Text":"i construction of a roundabout other than a mini roundabout","Answer":"","SimpleAnswer":"","Found":false},{"Reference":"3.4CII_QUESTION","Text":"ii widening by construction of one or more additional traffic lanes","Answer":"","SimpleAnswer":"","Found":false},{"Reference":"3.4D_QUESTION","Text":"d the outer limits of","Answer":"No","SimpleAnswer":"No","Found":true},{"Reference":"3.4DI_QUESTION","Text":"304di construction of a new road to be built by a local authority","Answer":"","SimpleAnswer":"","Found":false},{"Reference":"3.4DII_QUESTION","Text":"ii an approved alteration or improvementto an existing road involving construction of a subway underpass flyover footbridge elevated road or dual carriageway","Answer":"","SimpleAnswer":"","Found":false},{"Reference":"3.4DIII_QUESTION","Text":"iii construction of a roundabout other than a mini roundabout or widening by construction of one or more additional traffic lanes","Answer":"","SimpleAnswer":"","Found":false}] 9
3.4E the centre line of the proposed route [{"Reference":"3.4E_QUESTION","Text":"e the centre line of the proposed route of a new road under proposals published for public consultation","Answer":"No","SimpleAnswer":"No","Found":true},{"Reference":"3.4F_QUESTION","Text":"304fthe outer limits of","Answer":"No","SimpleAnswer":"No","Found":true},{"Reference":"3.4FI_QUESTION","Text":"i construction of a proposals alteration or improvement to an existing road involving construction of a subway underpass flyover footbridge elevated road or dual carriageway","Answer":"","SimpleAnswer":"","Found":false},{"Reference":"3.4FII_QUESTION","Text":"ii construction a roundabout other than a mini roundabout","Answer":"","SimpleAnswer":"","Found":false},{"Reference":"3.4FIII_QUESTION","Text":"iii widening by construction of one or more additional traffic lanes under proposals published for public consultation","Answer":"","SimpleAnswer":"","Found":false}] 5
3.5 Are there any Rail Schemes within 200m? [{"Reference":"3.5A_QUESTION","Text":"Is the property (or will it be) within 200 metres of the centre line of a proposed railway, tramway, light railway or monorail?","Answer":"Not as far as is known","SimpleAnswer":"No","Found":"True"},{"Reference":"3.5B_QUESTION","Text":"Are there any proposals for a railway, tramway, light railway or monorail within the Local Authority's boundary?","Answer":"The route of the HS2 together with any associated works is anticipated to pass through the local authority boundary. Please refer to HS2 website for further information.","SimpleAnswer":"Attn Req","Found":"True"}] 2
3.6 Are there any Traffic Schemes? [{"Reference":"3.6A_QUESTION","Text":"Has a local authority approved but not yet implemented any of the following for the roads, footways and footpaths which are named in Boxes B and C and are within 200 metres of the boundaries of the property? (a) permanent stopping up or diversion","Answer":"No","SimpleAnswer":"No","Found":true},{"Reference":"3.6B_QUESTION","Text":"Has a local authority approved but not yet implemented any of the following for the roads, footways and footpaths which are named in Boxes B and C and are within 200 metres of the boundaries of the property? (b) waiting or loading restrictions","Answer":"Proposed - Speed Limit 40Mph - B6057 - Sheffield Road","SimpleAnswer":"Yes","Found":true},{"Reference":"3.6C_QUESTION","Text":"Has a local authority approved but not yet implemented any of the following for the roads, footways and footpaths which are named in Boxes B and C and are within 200 metres of the boundaries of the property? (c) one way driving","Answer":"No","SimpleAnswer":"No","Found":true},{"Reference":"3.6D_QUESTION","Text":"Has a local authority approved but not yet implemented any of the following for the roads, footways and footpaths which are named in Boxes B and C and are within 200 metres of the boundaries of the property? (d) prohibition of driving","Answer":"No","SimpleAnswer":"No","Found":true},{"Reference":"3.6E_QUESTION","Text":"Has a local authority approved but not yet implemented any of the following for the roads, footways and footpaths which are named in Boxes B and C and are within 200 metres of the boundaries of the property? (e) pedestrianisation","Answer":"No","SimpleAnswer":"No","Found":true},{"Reference":"3.6F_QUESTION","Text":"Has a local authority approved but not yet implemented any of the following for the roads, footways and footpaths which are named in Boxes B and C and are within 200 metres of the boundaries of the property? (f) vehicle width or weight restriction","Answer":"No","SimpleAnswer":"No","Found":true},{"Reference":"3.6G_QUESTION","Text":"Has a local authority approved but not yet implemented any of the following for the roads, footways and footpaths which are named in Boxes B and C and are within 200 metres of the boundaries of the property? (g) traffic calming works including road humps","Answer":"No","SimpleAnswer":"No","Found":true},{"Reference":"3.6H_QUESTION","Text":"Has a local authority approved but not yet implemented any of the following for the roads, footways and footpaths which are named in Boxes B and C and are within 200 metres of the boundaries of the property? (h) residents parking controls","Answer":"No","SimpleAnswer":"No","Found":true},{"Reference":"3.6I_QUESTION","Text":"Has a local authority approved but not yet implemented any of the following for the roads, footways and footpaths which are named in Boxes B and C and are within 200 metres of the boundaries of the property? (i) minor road widening or improvement","Answer":"No","SimpleAnswer":"No","Found":true},{"Reference":"3.6J_QUESTION","Text":"Has a local authority approved but not yet implemented any of the following for the roads, footways and footpaths which are named in Boxes B and C and are within 200 metres of the boundaries of the property? (j) pedestrian crossings","Answer":"No","SimpleAnswer":"No","Found":true},{"Reference":"3.6K_QUESTION","Text":"Has a local authority approved but not yet implemented any of the following for the roads, footways and footpaths which are named in Boxes B and C and are within 200 metres of the boundaries of the property? (k) cycle tracks","Answer":"No: This information only relates to white lined cycle ways on roads and footway.","SimpleAnswer":"No","Found":true},{"Reference":"3.6L_QUESTION","Text":"Has a local authority approved but not yet implemented any of the following for the roads, footways and footpaths which are named in Boxes B and C and are within 200 metres of the boundaries of the property? (l) bridge building","Answer":"No","SimpleAnswer":"No","Found":true}] 12
3.7 Are there any Outstanding Notices? [{"Reference":"3.7A_QUESTION","Text":"Do any statutory notices which relate to the following matters subsist in relation to the property other than those revealed in a response to any other enquiry in this form? (a) building works","Answer":"No","SimpleAnswer":"No","Found":"True"},{"Reference":"3.7B_QUESTION","Text":"Do any statutory notices which relate to the following matters subsist in relation to the property other than those revealed in a response to any other enquiry in this form? (b) environment","Answer":"No","SimpleAnswer":"No","Found":"True"},{"Reference":"3.7C_QUESTION","Text":"Do any statutory notices which relate to the following matters subsist in relation to the property other than those revealed in a response to any other enquiry in this form? (c) health and safety","Answer":"No","SimpleAnswer":"No","Found":"True"},{"Reference":"3.7D_QUESTION","Text":"Do any statutory notices which relate to the following matters subsist in relation to the property other than those revealed in a response to any other enquiry in this form? (d) housing","Answer":"No","SimpleAnswer":"No","Found":"True"},{"Reference":"3.7E_QUESTION","Text":"Do any statutory notices which relate to the following matters subsist in relation to the property other than those revealed in a response to any other enquiry in this form? (e) highways","Answer":"No","SimpleAnswer":"No","Found":"True"},{"Reference":"3.7F_QUESTION","Text":"Do any statutory notices which relate to the following matters subsist in relation to the property other than those revealed in a response to any other enquiry in this form? (f) public health","Answer":"No","SimpleAnswer":"No","Found":"True"},{"Reference":"3.7G_QUESTION","Text":"Do any statutory notices which relate to the following matters subsist in relation to the property other than those revealed in a response to any other enquiry in this form? (g) flood and coastal erosion risk management","Answer":"The County Council has not issued any statutory notices for flood risk and coastal erosion risk management relating to any properties in Derbyshire.","SimpleAnswer":"No","Found":"True"}] 7