East Hertfordshire District Council - 17/09/2024 13:36:00

Index Section Question Content Open AI Response Report Entities
3.13 Is the property affected by Contaminated Land? [{"Reference":"3.13A_QUESTION","Text":"a) a contaminated land notice","Answer":"No","SimpleAnswer":"No","Found":true},{"Reference":"3.13B_QUESTION","Text":"b) in relation to a register maintained under section 78R of the Environmental Protection Act 1990","Answer":"No","SimpleAnswer":"No","Found":true},{"Reference":"3.13BI_QUESTION","Text":"i) a decision to make an entry","Answer":"","SimpleAnswer":"","Found":false},{"Reference":"3.13BII_QUESTION","Text":"ii) an entry","Answer":"","SimpleAnswer":"","Found":false},{"Reference":"3.13C_QUESTION","Text":"c) consultation with the owner or occupier of the property conducted under section 78G(3) of the Environmental Protection Act 1990 before the service of a remediation notice","Answer":"No","SimpleAnswer":"No","Found":true}] 5
3.14 Is the property within a Radon Affected Area? [{"Reference":"3.14_QUESTION","Text":"Do records indicate that the property is in a 'Radon Affected Area' as identified by Public Health England?","Answer":"Levels of radon gas within the East Herts Council area are very low and vary between <1% and <3%. For further details, please use the following weblink to the British Geological Survey website: https://www.bgs.ac.uk/datasets/radon-data-indicative-atlas-of-radon/","SimpleAnswer":"No","Found":"True"}] 1
4 Road Proposals by Private Bodies [{"Reference":"4.0A_QUESTION","Text":"4a The construction of a new road or","Answer":"No","SimpleAnswer":"No","Found":true},{"Reference":"4.0B_QUESTION","Text":"4b The alteration or improvement of an existing road involving the construction whether or not within existing highway limits of or a subway underpass flyover footbridge elevated road dual carriageway the construction of a roundabout other than a mini roundabout or the widening of an existing road by the construction of one or more additional traffic lanes","Answer":"No","SimpleAnswer":"No","Found":true}] 2
5 Advertisements [{"Reference":"5.1_QUESTION","Text":"Please list any entries in the register of applications, directions and decisions relating to consent for the display of advertisements.","Answer":"None","SimpleAnswer":"No","Found":true},{"Reference":"5.2_QUESTION","Text":"If there are any entries, where can that register be inspected?","Answer":"","SimpleAnswer":"Not Applicable","Found":true},{"Reference":"5.3A_QUESTION","Text":"Has any notice been given by the Secretary of State or served in respect of a direction or proposed direction restricting deemed consent for any class of advertisement?","Answer":"No","SimpleAnswer":"No","Found":true},{"Reference":"5.3B_QUESTION","Text":"Has the local authority resolved to serve a notice requiring the display of any advertisement to be discontinued?","Answer":"No","SimpleAnswer":"No","Found":true},{"Reference":"5.3C_QUESTION","Text":"If a discontinuance notice has been served, has it been complied with to the satisfaction of the local authority?","Answer":"","SimpleAnswer":"Not Applicable","Found":true},{"Reference":"5.3D_QUESTION","Text":"Has the local authority resolved to serve any other notice or proceedings relating to a contravention of the control of advertisements?","Answer":"No","SimpleAnswer":"No","Found":true},{"Reference":"5.3E_QUESTION","Text":"Have the council resolved to make an order for the special control of advertisements for the area?","Answer":"No","SimpleAnswer":"No","Found":true}] 7
6 Completion Notices [{"Reference":"6.0_QUESTION","Text":"Which of the planning permissions in force has the local authority resolved to terminate by means of a completion notice under s.94 of the Town & Country Planning Act 1990?","Answer":"None","SimpleAnswer":"No","Found":true}] 1