Chesterfield Borough Council - 17/09/2024 10:16:06

Index Section Question Content Open AI Response Report Entities
21 Flood Defence and Land Drainage Consents [{"Reference":"21.0_QUESTION","Text":"Has any flood defence or land drainage consent relating to the property been given or refused, or (if applicable) is the subject of a pending application?","Answer":"None","SimpleAnswer":"No","Found":"True"}] 1
22 Registered Common Land and Town or Village Greens [{"Reference":"22.1_QUESTION","Text":"Is the property, or any land which abuts the property, registered common land or town or village green under the Commons Registration Act 1965 or the Commons Act 2006?","Answer":"The property is not affected by land registered as Common Land/Village Green.","SimpleAnswer":"No","Found":"True"},{"Reference":"22.2_QUESTION","Text":"Is there any prescribed information about maps and statements, deposited under s.15A of the Commons Act 2006, in the register maintained under s.15B(1) of the Commons Act 2006 or under s.31A of the Highways Act 1980?","Answer":"None","SimpleAnswer":"No","Found":"True"},{"Reference":"22.3_QUESTION","Text":"If there are any entries, how can copies of the matters registered be obtained and where can the register be inspected?","Answer":"For further information please contact the County Secretary's Division of Derbyshire County Council, County Hall, Matlock, DE4 3AG. Telephone No: 01629 580000. (A further fee may be applicable).","SimpleAnswer":"Attn Req","Found":"True"}] 3
LLC Local Land Charges [{"Reference":"LLCGFC_QUESTION","Text":"[]","Answer":"[]","SimpleAnswer":"Yes","Found":true,"Confidence":null,"Page":0,"BBox":null},{"Reference":"LLCSFC_QUESTION","Text":"[]","Answer":"[]","SimpleAnswer":"Yes","Found":true,"Confidence":null,"Page":0,"BBox":null},{"Reference":"LLCPC_QUESTION","Text":"[{\"Description of charge (including reference to appropriate statutory provision)\":\"Outline Application Conditional Planning Permission dated 27/01/2023 Outline application for the erection of a dwelling with reserved matters for access and layout Application Number: CHE/22/00370/OUT Issued to: Mr J Cocker TLC Ref: AP222205\",\"Originating Authority\":\"Chesterfield Borough Council, Town Hall, Rose Hill, Chesterfield. S40 1LP\",\"Place where relevant documents may be inspected\":\"Planning & Regeneration Reception, Chesterfield B.C., Town Hall, Rose Hill, Chesterfield. S40 1LP\",\"Date of Registration\":\"16/06/2023\"},{\"Description of charge (including reference to appropriate statutory provision)\":\"Full Application Conditional Planning Permission dated 14/10/1992 rear extension to rpovide 8 additional bedspaces and a day room area Application Number: CHE/0692/0389 Issued to: Props of Whittington Nursing Home designated by virtue of Town and Country Planning Act 1990 TLC Ref: AP9421\",\"Originating Authority\":\"Chesterfield Borough Council, Town Hall, Rose Hill, Chesterfield. S40 1LP\",\"Place where relevant documents may be inspected\":\"Planning & Regeneration Reception, Chesterfield B.C., Town Hall, Rose Hill, Chesterfield. S40 1LP\",\"Date of Registration\":\"14/10/1992\"},{\"Description of charge (including reference to appropriate statutory provision)\":\"Full Application Conditional Planning Permission dated 18/08/1992 Erection of a greenhouse and lean to shed Application Number: CHE/0592/0306 Issued to: Whittington Nursing Home designated by virtue of Town and Country Planning Act 1990 TLC Ref: AP9134\",\"Originating Authority\":\"Chesterfield Borough Council, Town Hall, Rose Hill, Chesterfield. S40 1LP\",\"Place where relevant documents may be inspected\":\"Planning & Regeneration Reception, Chesterfield B.C., Town Hall, Rose Hill, Chesterfield. S40 1LP\",\"Date of Registration\":\"18/08/1992\"},{\"Description of charge (including reference to appropriate statutory provision)\":\"Full Application Conditional Planning Permission dated 14/05/1992 Demolition of existing dwelling and enlargement of nursing home to provide 12 additional bedspaces Application Number: CHE/0392/0169 Issued to: Props. Whittington Nursing Home designated by virtue of Town and Country Planning Act 1990 TLC Ref: AP8525\",\"Originating Authority\":\"Chesterfield Borough Council, Town Hall, Rose Hill, Chesterfield. S40 1LP\",\"Place where relevant documents may be inspected\":\"Planning & Regeneration Reception, Chesterfield B.C., Town Hall, Rose Hill, Chesterfield. S40 1LP\",\"Date of Registration\":\"14/05/1992\"},{\"Description of charge (including reference to appropriate statutory provision)\":\"Full Application Conditional Planning Permission dated 11/09/1991 Demolition of existing dwelling and enlargement of nursing home to provide 12 additional bed spaces Application Number: CHE/0791/0437 Issued to: The Proprietors of The Whittington designated by virtue of Town and Country Planning Act 1990 TLC Ref: AP8638\",\"Originating Authority\":\"Chesterfield Borough Council, Town Hall, Rose Hill, Chesterfield. S40 1LP\",\"Place where relevant documents may be inspected\":\"Planning & Regeneration Reception, Chesterfield B.C., Town Hall, Rose Hill, Chesterfield. S40 1LP\",\"Date of Registration\":\"11/09/1991\"},{\"Description of charge (including reference to appropriate statutory provision)\":\"Full Application Conditional Planning Permission dated 10/07/1991 Erection of conservatory extension to day room/dining room Application Number: CHE/0591/0332 Issued to: The Proprietors of Whittington designated by virtue of Town and Country Planning Act 1990 TLC Ref: AP9025\",\"Originating Authority\":\"Chesterfield Borough Council, Town Hall, Rose Hill, Chesterfield. S40 1LP\",\"Place where relevant documents may be inspected\":\"Planning & Regeneration Reception, Chesterfield B.C., Town Hall, Rose Hill, Chesterfield. S40 1LP\",\"Date of Registration\":\"10/07/1991\"},{\"Description of charge (including reference to appropriate statutory provision)\":\"Full Application Conditional Planning Permission dated 28/06/1991 Erection of ambulance port Application Number: CHE/0591/0310 Issued to: The Proprietors of Whittington designated by virtue of Town and Country Planning Act 1990 TLC Ref: AP9013\",\"Originating Authority\":\"Chesterfield Borough Council, Town Hall, Rose Hill, Chesterfield. S40 1LP\",\"Place where relevant documents may be inspected\":\"Planning & Regeneration Reception, Chesterfield B.C., Town Hall, Rose Hill, Chesterfield. S40 1LP\",\"Date of Registration\":\"28/06/1991\"},{\"Description of charge (including reference to appropriate statutory provision)\":\"Full Application Conditional Planning Permission dated 17/12/1990 Revised layout for nursing home. Application Number: CHE/1090/0747 Issued to: Dr B P Singh & Partners designated by virtue of Town and Country Planning Act 1990 TLC Ref: AP9923\",\"Originating Authority\":\"Chesterfield Borough Council, Town Hall, Rose Hill, Chesterfield. S40 1LP\",\"Place where relevant documents may be inspected\":\"Planning & Regeneration Reception, Chesterfield B.C., Town Hall, Rose Hill, Chesterfield. S40 1LP\",\"Date of Registration\":\"17/12/1990\"},{\"Description of charge (including reference to appropriate statutory provision)\":\"Full Application Conditional Planning Permission dated 10/04/1990 Erection of 40 bed nursing home with access and car parking. Application Number: CHE/0290/0153 Issued to: Dr B P Singh designated by virtue of Town and Country Planning Act 1990 TLC Ref: AP8380\",\"Originating Authority\":\"Chesterfield Borough Council, Town Hall, Rose Hill, Chesterfield. S40 1LP\",\"Place where relevant documents may be inspected\":\"Planning & Regeneration Reception, Chesterfield B.C., Town Hall, Rose Hill, Chesterfield. S40 1LP\",\"Date of Registration\":\"10/04/1990\"},{\"Description of charge (including reference to appropriate statutory provision)\":\"Change of Use Conditional Planning Permission dated 14/09/1989 Permission for change of use from dwelling to nursing home at 42 Holland Road Old Whittington for Dr. B.P. Singh. Application Number: CHE/0589/0372 Issued to: NAME NOT SUPPLIED designated by virtue of Town and Country Planning Act 1990 TLC Ref: AP2642\",\"Originating Authority\":\"Chesterfield Borough Council, Town Hall, Rose Hill, Chesterfield. S40 1LP\",\"Place where relevant documents may be inspected\":\"Planning & Regeneration Reception, Chesterfield B.C., Town Hall, Rose Hill, Chesterfield. S40 1LP\",\"Date of Registration\":\"14/09/1989\"},{\"Description of charge (including reference to appropriate statutory provision)\":\"Outline Application Conditional Planning Permission dated 13/09/1989 Permission for outline application for extension to proposed nursing home at 42 Holland Road for Dr. B.P. Singh. Application Number: CHE/0589/0373 Issued to: NAME NOT SUPPLIED designated by virtue of Town and Country Planning Act 1990 TLC Ref: AP2643\",\"Originating Authority\":\"Chesterfield Borough Council, Town Hall, Rose Hill, Chesterfield. S40 1LP\",\"Place where relevant documents may be inspected\":\"Planning & Regeneration Reception, Chesterfield B.C., Town Hall, Rose Hill, Chesterfield. S40 1LP\",\"Date of Registration\":\"13/09/1989\"}]","Answer":"[{\"Description of charge (including reference to appropriate statutory provision)\":\"Outline Application Conditional Planning Permission dated 27/01/2023 Outline application for the erection of a dwelling with reserved matters for access and layout Application Number: CHE/22/00370/OUT Issued to: Mr J Cocker TLC Ref: AP222205\",\"Originating Authority\":\"Chesterfield Borough Council, Town Hall, Rose Hill, Chesterfield. S40 1LP\",\"Place where relevant documents may be inspected\":\"Planning & Regeneration Reception, Chesterfield B.C., Town Hall, Rose Hill, Chesterfield. S40 1LP\",\"Date of Registration\":\"16/06/2023\"},{\"Description of charge (including reference to appropriate statutory provision)\":\"Full Application Conditional Planning Permission dated 14/10/1992 rear extension to rpovide 8 additional bedspaces and a day room area Application Number: CHE/0692/0389 Issued to: Props of Whittington Nursing Home designated by virtue of Town and Country Planning Act 1990 TLC Ref: AP9421\",\"Originating Authority\":\"Chesterfield Borough Council, Town Hall, Rose Hill, Chesterfield. S40 1LP\",\"Place where relevant documents may be inspected\":\"Planning & Regeneration Reception, Chesterfield B.C., Town Hall, Rose Hill, Chesterfield. S40 1LP\",\"Date of Registration\":\"14/10/1992\"},{\"Description of charge (including reference to appropriate statutory provision)\":\"Full Application Conditional Planning Permission dated 18/08/1992 Erection of a greenhouse and lean to shed Application Number: CHE/0592/0306 Issued to: Whittington Nursing Home designated by virtue of Town and Country Planning Act 1990 TLC Ref: AP9134\",\"Originating Authority\":\"Chesterfield Borough Council, Town Hall, Rose Hill, Chesterfield. S40 1LP\",\"Place where relevant documents may be inspected\":\"Planning & Regeneration Reception, Chesterfield B.C., Town Hall, Rose Hill, Chesterfield. S40 1LP\",\"Date of Registration\":\"18/08/1992\"},{\"Description of charge (including reference to appropriate statutory provision)\":\"Full Application Conditional Planning Permission dated 14/05/1992 Demolition of existing dwelling and enlargement of nursing home to provide 12 additional bedspaces Application Number: CHE/0392/0169 Issued to: Props. Whittington Nursing Home designated by virtue of Town and Country Planning Act 1990 TLC Ref: AP8525\",\"Originating Authority\":\"Chesterfield Borough Council, Town Hall, Rose Hill, Chesterfield. S40 1LP\",\"Place where relevant documents may be inspected\":\"Planning & Regeneration Reception, Chesterfield B.C., Town Hall, Rose Hill, Chesterfield. S40 1LP\",\"Date of Registration\":\"14/05/1992\"},{\"Description of charge (including reference to appropriate statutory provision)\":\"Full Application Conditional Planning Permission dated 11/09/1991 Demolition of existing dwelling and enlargement of nursing home to provide 12 additional bed spaces Application Number: CHE/0791/0437 Issued to: The Proprietors of The Whittington designated by virtue of Town and Country Planning Act 1990 TLC Ref: AP8638\",\"Originating Authority\":\"Chesterfield Borough Council, Town Hall, Rose Hill, Chesterfield. S40 1LP\",\"Place where relevant documents may be inspected\":\"Planning & Regeneration Reception, Chesterfield B.C., Town Hall, Rose Hill, Chesterfield. S40 1LP\",\"Date of Registration\":\"11/09/1991\"},{\"Description of charge (including reference to appropriate statutory provision)\":\"Full Application Conditional Planning Permission dated 10/07/1991 Erection of conservatory extension to day room/dining room Application Number: CHE/0591/0332 Issued to: The Proprietors of Whittington designated by virtue of Town and Country Planning Act 1990 TLC Ref: AP9025\",\"Originating Authority\":\"Chesterfield Borough Council, Town Hall, Rose Hill, Chesterfield. S40 1LP\",\"Place where relevant documents may be inspected\":\"Planning & Regeneration Reception, Chesterfield B.C., Town Hall, Rose Hill, Chesterfield. S40 1LP\",\"Date of Registration\":\"10/07/1991\"},{\"Description of charge (including reference to appropriate statutory provision)\":\"Full Application Conditional Planning Permission dated 28/06/1991 Erection of ambulance port Application Number: CHE/0591/0310 Issued to: The Proprietors of Whittington designated by virtue of Town and Country Planning Act 1990 TLC Ref: AP9013\",\"Originating Authority\":\"Chesterfield Borough Council, Town Hall, Rose Hill, Chesterfield. S40 1LP\",\"Place where relevant documents may be inspected\":\"Planning & Regeneration Reception, Chesterfield B.C., Town Hall, Rose Hill, Chesterfield. S40 1LP\",\"Date of Registration\":\"28/06/1991\"},{\"Description of charge (including reference to appropriate statutory provision)\":\"Full Application Conditional Planning Permission dated 17/12/1990 Revised layout for nursing home. Application Number: CHE/1090/0747 Issued to: Dr B P Singh & Partners designated by virtue of Town and Country Planning Act 1990 TLC Ref: AP9923\",\"Originating Authority\":\"Chesterfield Borough Council, Town Hall, Rose Hill, Chesterfield. S40 1LP\",\"Place where relevant documents may be inspected\":\"Planning & Regeneration Reception, Chesterfield B.C., Town Hall, Rose Hill, Chesterfield. S40 1LP\",\"Date of Registration\":\"17/12/1990\"},{\"Description of charge (including reference to appropriate statutory provision)\":\"Full Application Conditional Planning Permission dated 10/04/1990 Erection of 40 bed nursing home with access and car parking. Application Number: CHE/0290/0153 Issued to: Dr B P Singh designated by virtue of Town and Country Planning Act 1990 TLC Ref: AP8380\",\"Originating Authority\":\"Chesterfield Borough Council, Town Hall, Rose Hill, Chesterfield. S40 1LP\",\"Place where relevant documents may be inspected\":\"Planning & Regeneration Reception, Chesterfield B.C., Town Hall, Rose Hill, Chesterfield. S40 1LP\",\"Date of Registration\":\"10/04/1990\"},{\"Description of charge (including reference to appropriate statutory provision)\":\"Change of Use Conditional Planning Permission dated 14/09/1989 Permission for change of use from dwelling to nursing home at 42 Holland Road Old Whittington for Dr. B.P. Singh. Application Number: CHE/0589/0372 Issued to: NAME NOT SUPPLIED designated by virtue of Town and Country Planning Act 1990 TLC Ref: AP2642\",\"Originating Authority\":\"Chesterfield Borough Council, Town Hall, Rose Hill, Chesterfield. S40 1LP\",\"Place where relevant documents may be inspected\":\"Planning & Regeneration Reception, Chesterfield B.C., Town Hall, Rose Hill, Chesterfield. S40 1LP\",\"Date of Registration\":\"14/09/1989\"},{\"Description of charge (including reference to appropriate statutory provision)\":\"Outline Application Conditional Planning Permission dated 13/09/1989 Permission for outline application for extension to proposed nursing home at 42 Holland Road for Dr. B.P. Singh. Application Number: CHE/0589/0373 Issued to: NAME NOT SUPPLIED designated by virtue of Town and Country Planning Act 1990 TLC Ref: AP2643\",\"Originating Authority\":\"Chesterfield Borough Council, Town Hall, Rose Hill, Chesterfield. S40 1LP\",\"Place where relevant documents may be inspected\":\"Planning & Regeneration Reception, Chesterfield B.C., Town Hall, Rose Hill, Chesterfield. S40 1LP\",\"Date of Registration\":\"13/09/1989\"}]","SimpleAnswer":"Yes","Found":true,"Confidence":null,"Page":0,"BBox":null},{"Reference":"LLCMC_QUESTION","Text":"[{\"Description of charge (including reference to appropriate statutory provision)\":\"Smoke Control Order: The Chesterfield No.13 (Old Whittington) Smoke Control Area Order 1980 made under Section 11 of the Clean Air Act 1956 on the 1st April 1980. Confirmed by the Secretary of State for the Environment on the 28th July 1980. Operative from the 1st September 1981. Ref:9019492/L4/1 TLC Ref: PF30274\",\"Originating Authority\":\"Chesterfield Borough Council, Town Hall, Rose Hill, Chesterfield. S40 1LP\",\"Place where relevant documents may be inspected\":\"Local Searches Office, Chesterfield Borough Council, Town Hall, Rose Hill, Chesterfield, S40 1LP\",\"Date of Registration\":\"01/09/1981\"}]","Answer":"[{\"Description of charge (including reference to appropriate statutory provision)\":\"Smoke Control Order: The Chesterfield No.13 (Old Whittington) Smoke Control Area Order 1980 made under Section 11 of the Clean Air Act 1956 on the 1st April 1980. Confirmed by the Secretary of State for the Environment on the 28th July 1980. Operative from the 1st September 1981. Ref:9019492/L4/1 TLC Ref: PF30274\",\"Originating Authority\":\"Chesterfield Borough Council, Town Hall, Rose Hill, Chesterfield. S40 1LP\",\"Place where relevant documents may be inspected\":\"Local Searches Office, Chesterfield Borough Council, Town Hall, Rose Hill, Chesterfield, S40 1LP\",\"Date of Registration\":\"01/09/1981\"}]","SimpleAnswer":"Yes","Found":true,"Confidence":null,"Page":0,"BBox":null},{"Reference":"LLCFWMC_QUESTION","Text":"[]","Answer":"[]","SimpleAnswer":"Yes","Found":true,"Confidence":null,"Page":0,"BBox":null},{"Reference":"LLCLCC_QUESTION","Text":"[]","Answer":"[]","SimpleAnswer":"Yes","Found":true,"Confidence":null,"Page":0,"BBox":null},{"Reference":"LLCNTC_QUESTION","Text":"[]","Answer":"[]","SimpleAnswer":"Yes","Found":true,"Confidence":null,"Page":0,"BBox":null},{"Reference":"LLCCAC_QUESTION","Text":"[]","Answer":"[]","SimpleAnswer":"Yes","Found":true,"Confidence":null,"Page":0,"BBox":null},{"Reference":"LLCOCC_QUESTION","Text":"[]","Answer":"[]","SimpleAnswer":"Yes","Found":true,"Confidence":null,"Page":0,"BBox":null},{"Reference":"LLCLBC_QUESTION","Text":"[]","Answer":"[]","SimpleAnswer":"Yes","Found":true,"Confidence":null,"Page":0,"BBox":null},{"Reference":"LLCLON_QUESTION","Text":"[]","Answer":"[]","SimpleAnswer":"Yes","Found":true,"Confidence":null,"Page":0,"BBox":null},{"Reference":"LLCLDS_QUESTION","Text":"[]","Answer":"[]","SimpleAnswer":"Yes","Found":true,"Confidence":null,"Page":0,"BBox":null}] 2