1.2 - Are there any Development Plan Policies?

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1.2_QUESTION What designations of land use for the property or the area, and what specific proposals for the property, are contained in any existing or proposed development plan? The land/property falls within: Statutory Adopted Plans - Blackburn with Darwen Local Plan Part 2 Adopted December 2015 - Blackburn with Darwen Core Strategy Adopted January 2011 - The Joint Lancashire Minerals and Waste Core Strategy Adopted February 2009 - The Joint Lancashire Minerals and Waste Site Allocation and Development Management Policies Adopted September 2013 ‘The Council is in the process of preparing a new Local Plan for the Borough to replace the adopted Core Strategy (2011) and Local Plan Part 2 (2015). A ‘Consultation Draft’ was prepared under Regulation 18 of the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012. This was open for public consultation between 8th January and 19th February 2021. Full details are available to view here: Local plan | Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council. The Council is now preparing to publish a Regulation 19 (Pre-submission) version of this new Local Plan in January 2022 which will again be open to public consultation for a 6 week period. The new Local Plan is then anticipated to be submitted for independent examination in Summer 2022 for adoption in 2023’. Local Plan Part 2 Site allocations and Development Management Policies Green Belt Policy 3 Draft Local Plan 2021 Protected – Environmental Opportunity Area (PAP4) Protected – GI – Local Wildlife Sites (PAP5) Protected Open Space Audit 2020 (PAP5) Protected – Green Belt (PAP1) 0.00