1.1 - Are there any Planning or Building Control Entries?

Label Question Answer Score
1.1A_QUESTION a planning permission Reference: 3/10/0704/FO Property: The Riverside Garden Centre, Lower Hatfield Road, Bayford, Hertford, Herts, SG13 8XX Description: Variation of Condition 9 which states " The use of the premises shall be restricted to the hours 08.00 to 23.00 Monday to Saturday and 10.00 - 22.00 on Sundays and Bank holidays" to read "The restaurant shall not be open for business from 01.00 to 08.00" Date Decision Issued: 01/07/2010 Decision: Refuse Appeal Reference: 3/10/0704/FO Appeal Date: 12/07/2010 Appeal Decision: Appeal Allowed Reference: 3/11/0249/FO Property: The Riverside Garden Centre, Lower Hatfield Road, Bayford, Hertford, Herts, SG13 8XX Description: Variation of Condition A of The Planning Inspectorate's decision of planning permission 3/10/0704/FO to read 'The use of the restaurant by customers shall be restricted to the hours of 8:00 to 01.00 on the following day on Mondays to Saturdays and to the hours of 10.00 to 22.00 on Sundays and Bank Holidays. Notwithstanding those restrictions, the restaurant may be used by customers on New Year's Eve on whatever day that falls until 01.00 on the following day' Date Decision Issued: 02/06/2011 Decision: Grant Planning Permission subject to Conditions Reference: 3/05/2129/FP Property: The Riverside Garden Centre, Lower Hatfield Road, Hertford, SG138XX Description: Part change of use of land to bistro and refurbish existing public seating area and cover with new canopy (retrospective) Date Decision Issued: 30/12/2005 Decision: Grant Plan Permission 0.00
1.1B_QUESTION a listed building consent None 0.00
1.1C_QUESTION a conservation area consent None 0.00
1.1D_QUESTION a certificate of lawfulness of existing use or development None 0.00
1.1E_QUESTION a certificate of lawfulness of proposed use or development None 0.00
1.1F_QUESTION a certificate of lawfulness of proposed works for listed buildings None 0.00
1.1G_QUESTION a heritage partnership agreement None 0.00
1.1H_QUESTION a listed building consent order None 0.00
1.1I_QUESTION a local listed building consent order None 0.00
1.1J_QUESTION building regulations approval Reference: BC/09/1486/AI Property: The Riverside Garden Centre, Lower Hatfield Road, Bayford, Hertford, Herts, SG13 8XX Description: Erection of restaurant and retail building Decision: AI - Approved Decision Date: 26/05/2009 0.00
1.1K_QUESTION building regulation completion certificate and Reference: BC/09/1486/AI Property: The Riverside Garden Centre, Lower Hatfield Road, Bayford, Hertford, Herts, SG13 8XX Description: Erection of restaurant and retail building Note: Works not inspected by Local Authority 0.00
1.1L_QUESTION any building regulations certificate or notice issued in respect of work carried out under a competent person self-certification scheme? Napit – 23.11.17 – Install one or more new circuits 0.00