LLC - Local Land Charges

Label Question Answer Score
LLCSFC_QUESTION Part 2: Specific Financial Charges Category: Other - Highways and paths Location: Cycleway/Footway Boarding Chelmer Waterside, Chelmsford Description: Street Works Licence dated 13th May 2019 granted to Taylor Wimpey UK Limited by Essex County Council Section 33 Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1982 Law: New Roads and Street Works Act 1991 section 50 Legal Document: Originating Authority: Essex County Council Authority Reference: PF1189885 Source Information: Chelmsford City Council, Civic Centre, Duke Street, Chelmsford CM1 1JE Registration Date: 16 May 2019 Creation Date: 16 May 2019 HM Land Registry Reference: LLC-3PL4J Category: Other - Highways and paths Location: Peninsular Site, Wharf Road, Chelmsford Description: Section 220 Notice dated 13th July 2017 Building Regulation Ref: 17/00795/IN Law: Highways Act 1980 Legal Document: Originating Authority: Essex County Council Authority Reference: PF1120538 Source Information: Chelmsford City Council, Civic Centre, Duke Street, Chelmsford CM1 1JE Registration Date: 14 September 2017 Creation Date: 14 September 2017 HM Land Registry Reference: LLC-3PGTM Category: Other - Highways and paths Location: Land at Peninsular Site, Chelmer Waterside Development, Wharf Road, Chelmsford Description: Section 278 Agreement dated 24th November 2022 between Taylor Wimpey UK Limited (1) and Essex County Council (2) Planning Application Ref: CHL/16/01630/FUL Law: Highways Act 1980 Legal Document: Originating Authority: Essex County Council Authority Reference: PF1343266 Source Information: Chelmsford City Council, Civic Centre, Duke Street, Chelmsford CM1 1JE Registration Date: 25 November 2022 Creation Date: 25 November 2022 HM Land Registry Reference: LLC-3PT6T Category: Other - Highways andpaths Location: Peninsular Site, Chelmer Waterside Development, Wharf Road, Chelmsford Description: Notice dated6th December 2022 exemptingaBuilding from the Advance Payment Code dated13th July 2017 Building Regulation Ref: 17/00795/IN Law: Highways Act 1980 section224 Legal Document: Originating Authority: Essex County Council Authority Reference: PF1345437 Source Information: Chelmsford City Council, Civic Centre, Duke Street, Chelmsford CM1 1JE Registration Date: 20 December 2022 Creation Date: HM Land Registry Reference: LLC-4HGFM 0.00
LLCPC_QUESTION Part 3: Planning Charges Category: Planning - Planning agreement Location: Land at Peninsular Site, Wharf Road, Chelmsford Description: Section 106 Unilateral Undertaking dated 7th June 2019 made by Taylor Wimpey UK Limited in favour of Essex County Council Planning Application Ref: CHL/1630/16 ECC Ref: HIGH/10386 Law: Town and Country Planning Act 1990 Legal Document: Agreement Originating Authority: Essex County Council Authority Reference: PT1192825 Source Information: Chelmsford City Council, Civic Centre, Duke Street, Chelmsford CM1 1JE Registration Date: 13 June 2019 Creation Date: 13 June 2019 HM Land Registry Reference: LLC-3PL97 Category: Planning - Conditional planning consent Location: Peninsular Site Chelmer Waterside Development Wharf Road Chelmsford Description: Material amendment to permission ref 16/01630/FUL (Construction of 421 residential units & non-residential and conversion and change of use an existing structure for non-residential use with associated access, hard and soft landscaping, open space, car and cycle parking) for amendments to Blocks C1 & C2 including changes to unit layouts and mix resulting in an increase of 2 units, changes to elevations and ancillary works. Law: Town and Country Planning Act 1990 Legal Document: Planning permission Originating Authority: Chelmsford City Council Authority Reference: 16/01630/MAT/1 Source Information: Chelmsford City Council, Civic Centre, Duke Street, Chelmsford CM1 1JE Registration Date: 9 May 2018 Creation Date: 9 May 2018 HM Land Registry Reference: LLC-3PHD1 Category: Planning - Conditional planning consent Location: Peninsular Site Chelmer Waterside Development Wharf Road Chelmsford Description: Material amendment to permission reference 16/01630/MAT/1 (Material amendment to permission ref 16/01630/FUL (Construction of 421 residential units & non-residential and conversion change of use an existing structure for non-residential use with associated access, hard and soft landscaping, open space, car and cycle parking) for amendments to Blocks C1 & C2 including changes to unit layouts and mix resulting in an increase of 2 units, changes to elevations and ancillary works.) to provide 25 additional units (Blocks B1 & B2), changes to materials, additional cycle parking, amended heating system and variation to the s106 Agreement. Law: Town and Country Planning Act 1990 Legal Document: Planning permission Originating Authority: Chelmsford City Council Authority Reference: 16/01630/MAT/3 Source Information: Chelmsford City Council, Civic Centre, Duke Street, Chelmsford CM1 1JE Registration Date: 8 October 2019 Creation Date: 8 October 2019 HM Land Registry Reference: LLC-3PJVX Category: Planning - Planning agreement Location: Chelmer Waterside Peninsular, Chelmsford Description: Deed of Variation dated 30th September 2019 between Taylor Wimpey (UK) Limited and Chelmsford City Council supplemental to the agreement dated 26th June 2017 Planning Application Ref: 16/01630/FUL Law: Town and Country Planning Act 1990 Legal Document: Agreement Originating Authority: Chelmsford City Council Authority Reference: PT1205419 Source Information: Chelmsford City Council, Civic Centre, Duke Street, Chelmsford CM1 1JE Registration Date: 30 September 2019 Creation Date: 30 September 2019 HM Land Registry Reference: LLC-3PM0Q Category: Planning - Conservation area Location: Chelmer And Blackwater Navigation Description: Area Name - Chelmer andBlackwater Navigation Law: Planning (Listed Buildings andConservation Areas) Act 1990 Legal Document: Notice Originating Authority: Chelmsford City Council Authority Reference: G021 Source Information: Chelmsford City Council, Civic Centre, Duke Street, Chelmsford CM1 1JE Registration Date: 26 April 2006 Creation Date: 24 September 1991 HM Land Registry Reference: LLC-3M2KB Category: Planning - Conditional planningconsent Location: Former 3, Wharf Road, Chelmsford Description: Temporary carpark Law: Town andCountry Planning Act 1971 Legal Document: Planning permission Originating Authority: Chelmsford City Council Authority Reference: 88/1567 Source Information: Chelmsford City Council, Civic Centre, Duke Street, Chelmsford CM1 1JE Registration Date: 18 October 1988 Creation Date: 18 October 1988 HM Land Registry Reference: LLC-3N6D5 Category: Planning - Conditional planningconsent Location: Former Car Park Eastern End, Wharf Road, Chelmsford Description: Proposed 500 longstayand180 shortstaycarparkincluding access road. Change ofusefromindustrialtocarparking. Law: Town andCountry Planning Act 1971 Legal Document: Planning permission Originating Authority: Chelmsford City Council Authority Reference: 87/0107 Source Information: Chelmsford City Council, Civic Centre, Duke Street, Chelmsford CM1 1JE Registration Date: 13 April 1987 Creation Date: 13 April 1987 HM Land Registry Reference: LLC-3M62N Category: Planning - Conditional planningconsent Location: British Gas Site, Wharf Road, Chelmsford Description: Erection ofsystemsbuildingforuseasanoffice, flammable liquids storeandfuelinstallation. Change ofusecatalyst store togarageworkshop. Law: Town andCountry Planning Act 1971 Legal Document: Planning permission Originating Authority: Chelmsford City Council Authority Reference: 77/1663 Source Information: Chelmsford City Council, Civic Centre, Duke Street, Chelmsford CM1 1JE Registration Date: 2 May 1978 Creation Date: 2 May 1978 HM Land Registry Reference: LLC-3MLTW Category: Planning - Planning agreement Location: Chelmer Waterside Peninsular, Chelmsford Description: Section 106 Agreement dated26th June 2017 betweenTaylor Wimpey (UK) Limited, Chelmsford City Council andEssex County Council Planning Application Ref: 16/01630/FUL Law: Town andCountry Planning Act 1990 Legal Document: Agreement Originating Authority: Chelmsford City Council Authority Reference: PT1115168 Source Information: Chelmsford City Council, Civic Centre, Duke Street, Chelmsford CM1 1JE Registration Date: 30 June 2017 Creation Date: 30 June 2017 HM Land Registry Reference: LLC-3PGD4 Category: Planning - Conditional planningconsent Location: Peninsular Site Chelmer Waterside Development Wharf Road Chelmsford Description: Construction of421 residentialunitsandnon-residential floorspace (use classesA1/A3/A4) andconversion change ofuseanexistingstructureforflexiblenon- residential use(use classesA1, A2, A3, A4, A5, B1, B2 and/or D1) withassociatedaccess, hardandsoftlandscaping, open space, carandcycleparking, andincludingsiteclearance demolition ofexistingwallsandstructures. Law: Town andCountry Planning Act 1990 Legal Document: Planning permission Originating Authority: Chelmsford City Council Authority Reference: 16/01630/FUL Source Information: Chelmsford City Council, Civic Centre, Duke Street, Chelmsford CM1 1JE Registration Date: 16 March 2017 Creation Date: 16 March 2017 HM Land Registry Reference: LLC-3PDMZ Category: Planning - Planning agreement Location: Land at Chelmer Waterside Peninsular (and Wharf Road), Chelmsford, Essex Description: Fourth Deed of Variation dated 8th November 2023 between Taylor Wimpey UK Limited (1), Essex County Council (2) and Chelmsford City Council (3) Planning Application Ref: 16/01630/FUL Law: Town and Country Planning Act 1990 Legal Document: Agreement Originating Authority: Chelmsford City Council Authority Reference: PT1366876 Source Information: Chelmsford City Council, Civic Centre, Duke Street, Chelmsford CM1 1JE Registration Date: 9 November 2023 Creation Date: 8 November 2023 HM Land Registry Reference: LLC-4Z3KF Category: Planning - Planning agreement Location: Land at Chelmer Waterside Peninsular and Wharf Road, Chelmsford Description: Second Deed of Variation dated 17th February 2021 between Taylor Wimpey UK Limited (1), Chelmsford City Council (2) and Essex County Council (3) Planning Application Ref: 16/01630/FUL Law: Town and Country Planning Act 1990 Legal Document: Agreement Originating Authority: Chelmsford City Council Authority Reference: PT1242780 Source Information: Chelmsford City Council, Civic Centre, Duke Street, Chelmsford CM1 1JE Registration Date: 19 February 2021 Creation Date: 19 February 2021 HM Land Registry Reference: LLC-3PPP8 Category: Planning - Conditional planning consent Location: Peninsular Site Chelmer Waterside Development Wharf Road Chelmsford Description: Non-material amendment to planning permission 16/01630/MAT/3 (Material amendment to permission reference 16/01630/MAT/1 (Material amendment to permission ref 16/01630/FUL (Construction of 421 residential units & non-residential and conversion change of use an existing structure for non-residential use with associated access, hard and soft landscaping, open space, car and cycle parking) for amendments to Blocks C1 & C2 including changes to unit layouts and mix resulting in an increase of 2 units, changes to elevations and ancillary works.) to provide 25 additional units (Blocks B1 & B2), changes to materials, additional cycle parking, amended heating system and variation to the s106 Agreement.) for the following amendments: Block C1: 1. Revised Concierge added to ground floor. 2. Door & windows updated to suit the proposed concierge. 3. Planters in front of windows updated. 4. Ventilation grill added. 5. Bikes relocated. 6. Parking space relocated. 7. Sub-station omitted. 8. Opening in the boundary wall for sub-station omitted and replaced with solid wall North Elevation. 9. West Elevation updated to show revised doors and windows to align with concierge. Block C2: 1. Bin store added in the car park under podium. 2. Bikes relocated. 3. Parking spaces relocated. 4. Ventilation grill added to North Elevation. Block B2: 1. 4 x Flexiplex units replaced with 2 x 2B3P new unit types. 2. Ground floor converted to Residence Lounge... Law: Town and Country Planning Act 1990 Legal Document: Planning permission Originating Authority: Chelmsford City Council Authority Reference: 16/01630/NMAT/1 Source Information: Chelmsford City Council, Civic Centre, Duke Street, Chelmsford CM1 1JE Registration Date: 22 November 2019 Creation Date: 22 November 2019 HM Land Registry Reference: LLC-3PLZ0 Category: Planning - Planning agreement Location: Land atChelmer Waterside Peninsular andWharf Road, Chelmsford Description: Third Deed ofVariation dated7th February 2023 between Taylor Wimpey UK Limited, Essex County Council and Chelmsford City Council Planning Application Ref: 16/01630/FUL Law: Town andCountry Planning Act 1990 Legal Document: Agreement Originating Authority: Chelmsford City Council Authority Reference: PT1348387 Source Information: Chelmsford City Council, Civic Centre, Duke Street, Chelmsford CM1 1JE Registration Date: 9 February 2023 Creation Date: HM Land Registry Reference: LLC-3WBZQ 0.00
LLCMC_QUESTION Part 4: Miscellaneous Charges Category: Other - Other covenant Location: Chelmer Waterside, Wharf Road, Chelmsford Description: Section 38 Agreement dated 7th October 2020 between Taylor Wimpey UK Limited, Chelmsford City Council, Essex County Council and National House-Building Council Highways Act 1980 Law: Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1982 section 33 Legal Document: Originating Authority: Essex County Council Authority Reference: PF1230932 Source Information: Chelmsford City Council, Civic Centre, Duke Street, Chelmsford CM1 1JE Registration Date: 6 November 2020 Creation Date: 6 November 2020 HM Land Registry Reference: LLC-3PNZ3 0.00