1.2 - Are there any Development Plan Policies?

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1.2_QUESTION What designations of land use for the property or the area, and what specific proposals for the property, are contained in any existing or proposed development plan? Reference ID: PP32 (1b) Description: Poole’s nationally, European and internationally important sites (1b) Dorset heathland Reference ID: PP36 Description: Safeguarding strategic transport schemes Reference ID: PP2 Description: Amount and broad location of development Reference ID: PP2 (2a) Description: Amount and broad location of development (2a) Broad location of housing development Reference ID: PP12 Description: Housing for an ageing population Reference ID: PP22 (4) Description: Retail and main town centre uses (4) Proposals outside designated boundaries and allocations Reference ID: PP23 Description: Tourism and the evening / night time economy Reference ID: PP1 Description: Presumption in favour of sustainable development Reference ID: PP7 Description: Facilitating a step change in Housing Delivery Reference ID: PP8 Description: Type and mix of housing Reference ID: PP11 Description: Affordable Housing Reference ID: PP13 Description: Housing for multi-generational and extended families Reference ID: PP15 Description: Meeting the needs of gypsies and travellers Reference ID: PP16 (2) Description: Employment areas (2) Isolated employment sites Reference ID: PP24 Description: Green Infrastructure Reference ID: PP25 Description: Open space and allotments Reference ID: PP27 Description: Design Reference ID: PP28 Description: Flats and plot severance Reference ID: PP29 Description: Tall Buildings 0.00