1.2 - Are there any Development Plan Policies?

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1.2_QUESTION What designations of land use for the property or the area, and what specific proposals for the property, are contained in any existing or proposed development plan? The following is a list of all the development plan documents current for West Oxfordshire and specific policies or proposals which may affect this property: - West Oxfordshire Local Plan 2011 Adopted June 2006. - Minerals and Waste Local Plan adopted July 1996. - Emerging Local Development Framework (LDF). More information is available at http://www.westoxon.gov.uk/planning/CoreStrategy.cfm. Please note that, at present, these new development plan documents have not reached a stage where they replace the adopted local plan. The following land use designations specifically apply to this property: - Policy BC1 – Burford – Charlbury sub-area - Policy H1 – Amount and distribution of housing - Policy EH1 - Cotswolds Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty - Policy EH3 – Biodiversity and geodiversity - Policy EH9 – Historic environment - Policy EH10 - Conservation areas 0.00