3.4A - Are there any Road Schemes within 200m?

Label Question Answer Score
3.4A_QUESTION the centre line of a new trunk road or special road specified in any order, draft order or scheme No 0.00
3.4B_QUESTION the centre line of a proposed alteration or improvement to an existing road involving construction No 0.00
3.4C_QUESTION the outer limits of construction works for a proposed alteration or improvement to an existing road 0.00
3.4CI_QUESTION (i) construction of a roundabout (other than a mini roundabout) No 0.00
3.4CII_QUESTION (ii) widening by construction of one or more additional traffic lanes No 0.00
3.4D_QUESTION the outer limits of 0.00
3.4DI_QUESTION (i) construction of a new road to be built by a local authority; None 0.00
3.4DII_QUESTION (ii) an approved alteration or improvement to an existing road involving construction of a subway underpass None 0.00
3.4DIII_QUESTION (iii) construction of a roundabout (other than a mini roundabout) or widening by construction of one or more additional traffic lanes None 0.00