1.1 - Are there any Planning or Building Control Entries?

Label Question Answer Score
1.1A_QUESTION a planning permission Reference: DOC/2018/0111 Description: Discharge of conditions 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 & 10 of SMD/2017/0771 & SMD/2018/0089 Status: Awaiting decision Reference: SMD/2017/0771 Description: Conversion of redundant 4 storey textile mill into 12no residential apartments, and removal of external fire escape, demolition of redundant 2 storey mill annexe building, conversion of 5no redundant first floor office/studio rooms into 2no residential apartments, with external works Status: Approved 14/06/2018 Reference: 06/01030/ADV Description: Advertisement Consent for Static advertisement with external lighting Status: Approved 09/11/2006 Reference: 06/00692/ADV Description: Illuminated sign Status: Refused 11/08/2006 Reference: 04/01522/ADV Description: Advertisement Consent for Non-Illuminated sign Status: Approved 22/03/2005 Reference: 04/00743/ADV Description: Advertisement Consent for Freestanding illuminated tubular steel sign Status: Approved 20/08/2004 Reference: 04/00748/ADV Description: Freestanding non illuminated tubular steel sign Status: Refused 18/08/2004, Appeal dismissed 12/01/2005 Reference: 04/00746/FUL Description: Non illuminated sign over door Status: Refused 18/08/2004 Reference: 04/00745/ADV Description: Advertisement Consent for Illuminated entrance sign and illuminated wall sign Status: Approved 16/08/2004 0.00
1.1B_QUESTION a listed building consent Reference: SMD/2018/0089 Description: Listed Building Consent for Demolition of two storey mill annexe, internal and external alterations including removal of external fire escape and new external staircase Status: Approved 31/07/2018 Reference: SMD/2014/0211 Description: Listed Building Consent for Alterations to glazing above two door openings to insert mesh for ventilation Status: Approved 17/06/2014 Reference: 06/01031/LBC Description: Listed Building Consent for Static advertisement with external lighting Status: Approved 13/11/2006 Reference: 06/00696/LBC Description: External alterations to Listed Building (advertisement) Status: Refused 11/08/2006 Reference: 04/00747/LBC Description: Listed Building Consent for External alterations to Listed Building (three wall signs, one sign above door, two gate signs, one illuminated entrance sign and one illuminated wall sign) Status: Approved 16/08/2004 Reference: 02/00245/LBC Description: Listed Building Consent for Internal and external alterations to listed building (conversion to rumble tumble centre and restaurant) Status: Approved 22/05/2002 0.00
1.1C_QUESTION a conservation area consent None 0.00
1.1D_QUESTION a certificate of lawfulness of existing use or development None 0.00
1.1E_QUESTION a certificate of lawfulness of proposed use or development None 0.00
1.1F_QUESTION a certificate of lawfulness of proposed works for listed buildings None 0.00
1.1G_QUESTION a heritage partnership agreement None 0.00
1.1H_QUESTION a listed building consent order None 0.00
1.1I_QUESTION a local listed building consent order None 0.00
1.1J_QUESTION building regulations approval None 0.00
1.1K_QUESTION building regulation completion certificate and None 0.00
1.1L_QUESTION any building regulations certificate or notice issued in respect of work carried out under a competent person self-certification scheme? None 0.00