3.15 - Has the property been nominated as an Asset of Community Value?

Label Question Answer Score
3.15A_QUESTION Has the property been nominated as an asset of community value? If so: - No 0.00
3.15AI_QUESTION (i) Is it listed as an asset of community value? No 0.00
3.15AII_QUESTION (ii) Was it excluded and placed on the “nominated but not listed” list? No 0.00
3.15AIII_QUESTION (iii) Has the listing expired? No 0.00
3.15AIV_QUESTION (iv) Is the local authority reviewing or proposing to review the listing? No 0.00
3.15AV_QUESTION (v) Are there any subsisting appeals against the listing? No 0.00
3.15B_QUESTION If the property is listed No 0.00
3.15BI_QUESTION (i) Has the local authority decided to apply to the Land Registry for an entry or cancellation of a restriction in respect of listed land affecting the property? No 0.00
3.15BII_QUESTION (ii) Has the local authority received a notice of disposal? No 0.00
3.15BIII_QUESTION (iii) Has any community interest group requested to be treated as a bidder? No 0.00