
Text Label Final Prompts Section Prompts Label Annotations Meta data Edit
Has a liability order been granted? 3.10G_QUESTION 0 0 3 Edit
Have any other enforcement measures been taken? 3.10H_QUESTION 0 0 4 Edit
Conservation area Do the following apply in relation to the property? 3.11_QUESTION 0 0 4 Edit
the making of the area a conservation area before 31 August 1974 3.11A_QUESTION 0 0 5 Edit
an unimplemented resolution to designate the area a Conservation Area 3.11B_QUESTION 0 0 5 Edit
Has any enforceable order or decision been made to compulsorily purchase or acquire the 3.12_QUESTION 0 0 8 Edit
Contaminated land Do any of the following apply (including any relating to land adjacent to or adjoining the property which has been identified as contaminated land because it is such a condition that 3.13_QUESTION 0 0 10 Edit
a contaminated land notice 3.13A_QUESTION 0 0 3 Edit
in relation to a register maintained under section 78R of the Environmental Protection Act 1990 3.13B_QUESTION 0 0 7 Edit
(i) a decision to make an entry 3.13BI_QUESTION 0 0 3 Edit
(ii) an entry 3.13BII_QUESTION 0 0 2 Edit
consultation with the owner or occupier of the property conducted under section 78G(3) of the 3.13C_QUESTION 0 0 6 Edit
Do records indicate that the property is in a "Radon Affected Area" as identified by Public 3.14_QUESTION 0 0 11 Edit
Assets of Community Value 3.15_QUESTION 0 0 1 Edit
Has the property been nominated as an asset of community value? If so: - 3.15A_QUESTION 0 0 7 Edit
(i) Is it listed as an asset of community value? 3.15AI_QUESTION 0 0 5 Edit
(ii) Was it excluded and placed on the “nominated but not listed” list? 3.15AII_QUESTION 0 0 5 Edit
(iii) Has the listing expired? 3.15AIII_QUESTION 0 0 4 Edit
(iv) Is the local authority reviewing or proposing to review the listing? 3.15AIV_QUESTION 0 0 6 Edit
(v) Are there any subsisting appeals against the listing? 3.15AV_QUESTION 0 0 6 Edit